Act 9

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Alone in the interrogation room, sits a lone Black Tusk Privet still knock out cold from being taken in by the agents. The door to the room opens reviling a person who carrying a bucket of water. Looking at his captive he then dumps the bucket of water on his head making him wake up in a panic.


Black Tusk Privet: *Panic Breathing* What's going on?! Where am I!?

The privet then looks around the room in a panic studying his surroundings and then lay his eyes on a person in the corner if the room consumed in darkness. He try to stand up but realizes that he is strapped down on the chair he was sitting, he was stuck here.

Black Tusk Privet: Hey, who are you?! What do you want from me?!

The figure then steps out of the shadow and reviles to be Agent David who then walks up to the Privet while taking out his knife from his holster. 

Black Tusk Privet: What... an agent? What do you-

Agent David: Hey, I'm the one asking question not you. Understand?

Black Tusk Privet:  Listen, I don't know anything I was just order to guard my position that's all. I  don't know- AGGHHHHH!!!

David then drives his knife down on the privet's leg sending a sharp wave pain all across his body. And with the same force he then pulled it out with blood on his blade. 

Agent David: Looking at that wound, it seems like you have about 20 minutes before you lose too much blood. If you want me to patch you up then you ask me this question.

Black Tusk Privet: Fuck you and your rogue agents! Your nothing but killers!

Agent David then stabs him again in his leg sending another wave of pain through him again.

Black Tusk Privet: AGHHHH!

Agent David: Now you got like around 14 minutes of blood left. Now shale we talk?

Black Tusk Privet: I already told you, I don't know anything about our movement. All we do is just move position by our officer's orders. If you want to know more then you captured the wrong person.

Agent David: I'm not worried about your movement of your people. What I want to know is that overheard that you talked about with that corporal of yours.

Black Tusk Privet: That's... I'm sorry... I'm not allowed to say anything about that.

Agent David then pulls out an canister from his holster and puts on his face mask. He then angles the canister to the privet's vision and when he saw what's written on it he froze in fear. 

Agent David: Looks familiar?

Black Tusk Privet: No, wait please!

David then pulls the pin on top and a stream of yellow smoke like substances erupts from the can itself. He then tosses it across the room not too far where the privet was sitting. He then grabs another  mask from his bag and shows it to the privet.

Agent David: Tell me what you know and this is yours. Now speak.

Black Tusk Privet: Listen, all I talk about with my corporal about what I over head while transferring shift!

Agent David: What is it?

Black Tusk Privet: All I know is that some of the White Tusk have some kind of teleporter and they are using it as we speak!

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