Act 13

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She has gone through the plan again, and again. Ever since David and his squad made the decision of going head first into the lion's den of the White Tusk units, she keeps a tab on any new update that either the Black or White Tusks are discussing through the hacked channels. She reviews all of their agent's equipment and weapons, making sure all of them are functional and top of the line that the supply room has. She goes over with the engineers making sure that they update her on any slight changes they are making on the teleporter. In all she was making sure everything was planned the way she can manage. She looks down  at her hands to see the screen of a tablet with all of the agents available on base. She scrolls through the list and checks with all of the agents that are going in this dangerous operation. As she was scrolling down the list some more she reached the bottom of the list where she saw the last four agents' names, all grayed out. Jack, Spear, Bear and Edward are the last four listed, but instead of the usual active status like all of the other agents they are all labeled deceased instead.

Agent David: Kelso, you ok?

A voice next to her soon kicked her out of her tunnel vision, she turned to the sound of the voice only to be met with agent David who he is holding two small cups of coffee in his hand.

Agent Kelso: Yeah I'm fine, just lost for a second there.

David looks down at Kelso's tablet and sees the four agents listed at the bottom of it.

Agent David: Still kicking yourself about them?

Agent Kelso: Not that hard but still hits where it hurts.

Agent David: Relax, I promise we will get our payback soon. Want a cup, JTF has found a stash of power coffee creamer while scavenging?

Agent Kelso: Thanks.

Kelso took the cup from his hand and took a sip from it, the taste of coffee cools her mood and puts her in a more relaxed state.

Agent Kelso: How's the team?

Agent David: We are almost ready, just doing one final gear check and roll call before we are able to deploy.

Agent Kelso: That's good, from what I heard from the chief engineer he said that they are doing one final check on all of the settings and systems before calling it ready to operate. 

Agent David: Sounds like we are right on time, I'll get my team to wrap things up then we'll make our way down here.

Agent Kelso: Take your time.

Agent David: Thanks Kelso.

David was about to leave the underground when Kelso's voice spoke up once again that made him stop and turn around to her.

Agent Kelso: Hey David.

Agent David: What is it?

Agent Kelso: Do me a favor and kick those White Tusk's asses back to the stone ages for me.

Agent David: I'll do more than sending them back to the stone age, but you will get your wish.

David then continued to leave the underground as Kelso stayed behind and watched as their engineers finished up their last few checks of the teleporter.

Agent Kelso: Don't worry agents, we will get our proper payback for you. I promise.

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