Act 15

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As before if you are looking for the actual story, continue down below past the notes.

Author Note of 01/31/2023:

Hey, remember when I say I will be consistent with my fanfiction and uploads in my last author note chapter? Yeah... when life hits you like a vehicle traveling at 88 mph, you gonna see some serious shit happening. But in all jokes aside everyone, sorry for putting you all in the dark for quite a while with this story. Things happen in my end that are out of my control that put my writing on a dead stop for quite a while (Like months of dead stop). Throughout the dark hours I have little time to even write and edit a paragraph and even if I do have time, my motivation have been drained beyond because of due to begin run over with issues. But now since everything is going back the way it was (for the most part) that I can manage, I can get back on track with writing and finishing this fanfiction that I started. Again, sorry for the radio silence for the past few months and I hope to see if I can get back on schedule with predictable uploads to this story and Ill try to keep you'll updated on what's is happening on my end so I don't leave you all in the dark again next time. I do apologize for the wait everyone, take care, and ill see you later. 

- Starch





 It seems like there is no rest for the wicked for some. Even after the commander gave those who participated in the mess of a mission the day off, they are still those who stay active and readies themselves for anything that might come next in there direction. Jack was one of these people, even with the downtime he was given after that mess of a mission he still finds ways to ready himself for anything that might come his way. He was in the indoor range cleaning his ACR after he finished adjusting his sights and firing some test rounds to see any difference it made to his zero of his weapon. He makes sure that no part goes unchecked and makes sure his weapon fires properly in all conditions just in case he have to push his AR to its limits.




But he was not alone in the range, while he prefer to check and clean his AR there is one other doll in one of the shooting lines who is just firing for fun. And the weapon that the doll was using was non other then his personal M32 grenade launcher.





SOPMOD 2: Jack, I'm out of rounds again. Can I now use -

Agent Jack: Remember what Star said to you. Unless it's an outdoor firing range, no High-Explosive rounds are permitted inside the indoor range.

SOPMOD 2: But no one will ever know that I even use them.

Agent Jack: Try hiding a 3 meter hole in the wall while holding a M32, just be patient Sop. Star said she-

SOPMOD 2: But Star has been taking hours to get the box  and I really want to-

Just before Sop can finish her sentence, the door to the firing range opens revealing Star who is holding a wooden box with, "40MM GL" written on the side of it. Seeing this Sop puts down the launcher in her shooting booth and quickly jogs her way over to Star.

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