Act 4

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Act 4





It's been around 2 hours since he woke up, but still in the same situation. Tied to a chair being interrogated by T-Doll named M4A1 about who he is and who he worked for. Throughout the interrogation, he explained everything that led up to where he was at, he explained what he does, what his gear does, who ISAC is where he comes from but that doesn't seem to gain the trust from her. He wanted to leave but he couldn't, he just had to stay with her until she was done.

M4A1: I still don't believe you. An elite group, SHD, teleporter, and another world. Do you think I'm that stupid.

Agent Edward: I'm telling you. That's true, every word I say is what exactly happened. I don't know what else you want to know.

M4A1: How the hell did you find me?

Agent Edward: I didn't, I just thought this house was abandoned and I thought I could use it as a meetup point with my teammates. I did not know anyone was in here until now.

M4A1: Still, I don't trust you.

Agent Edward: I know you do, listen if you let me go I will leave you alone and I won't tell anyone about you or where you are at.

M4A1: Listen I'm being hunted, if you leave them you blow my only hiding spot. You are not allowed to leave till I'm done here. Understand.

*Powering Down Noises*

Looking over her shoulder, Edward sees an old radio that is hooked up to an old car battery.

M4A1 then walks over to the old radio and checks on it only for her to slam the table that was on it.

M4A1: Again? Come one work damn you!

Agent Edward: What are you trying to do?

M4A1: This is none of your business.

Agent Edward: If you are trying to fix that radio then I can help with that. I specialize in fixing a lot of equipment and I can help with that.

M4A1: Nice try but you're not getting out of that chair.

Agent Edward: No, I'm serious. I can help get the equipment that you need and fix that radio you are working on. Listen, I promise I won't shoot you in the back of your head or run away.

M4A1: And why would I trust a stranger like you.

Agent Edward: Why do you think I sit here and actually answer all of your questions? A normal captive wouldn't do that for you. Right?

M4A1 looked towards the radio, then to him, then the radio, and finally back to him. After a moment of silence from her she pulls out her knife and walks towards him. As soon as she reaches him she starts cutting his ties and frees him from the chair. Once out, she then waves her knife at him,

M4A1: Don't make me regret this, Edward.

Agent Edward: I keep my words.

Both him and M4 walk to the radio, he inspects it, finding all of the problems that the radio has. Opening the radio, he found what's the problem with it.

Agent Edward: Looks like the fuses are fried, encryption key is broken, and there is no microphone.

M4A1: I'm not asking what is wrong. I'm asking can you fix it?

Agent Edward: In my sleep, well I need my eyes open to work so... yeah.. Pass me that box please.

M4A1 passes Edwards his box of tools, normally it is used to fix SHD tech but it can also be used to fix equipment on the fly and Edward has fixed up any different types of equipment back in New York. As the two work on the radio Edward tries to start up a conversation.

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