Act 6

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Back at the base, commander Gentiane was in the command room overlooking the progress of the newly formed team that just touched down near the area of operation. Since the team is a little ways away from the location given by M4, she decides to sit down and relax for a bit until they reached near the target location. As she was sitting, the door to the room open reviling Galil who walked in the command room with a cup of coffer in her hand.

*Door Opening*

Galil: Commander, your coffee is ready.

Gentiane: Thank you Galil.

Galil puts down the cup in front of the commander. The commander then picks up the cup and takes a sip from it.

Gentiane: It's straight black coffee, do we not have any coffee cream or something?

Galil: Sadly no, our supply drop has been delayed for another day. Not only that, that is the last cup of coffee I was able to make.

Gentiane: *Sigh* Just another one of those days huh? Thank you anyways Galil.

Galil: Your welcome, would you like me to send a reminder to our supplier about our late drop? 

Gentiane: No, it's fine, I'll let Kalina get on it when she gets back from headquarter. She is the only one that we know who is able to manage our supplies without throwing up a storm in the warehouse.

Galil: Ture to that, I'm going back to help Lynx with our supply counter right now. Take care commander.

Gentiane: You too Galil.

*Ring Ring Ring*

As soon Galil left the room, the tablet that is laying on the command table soon lights up showing a caller reaching her named "Kalina."

Gentiane: Speaking of which, she is calling right now.

Picking up the tablet, she taps a few buttons on it and then lays it down on the table once more. A hologram pops up reviling the young and energized girl that worked for the commander since she was stationed here.


<<Kalina: Commander!>>

Gentiane: Kalina, it's been a while. How's are you doing?

<<Kalina: I'm doing fine thank you. Hey I heard you got a mission upgrade from the scouting and searching you been doing since you got here.>>

Gentiane: Yes I did, I'm finally out of the boring same old missions. I can finally put my training to good use now.

<<Kalina: Glad your happy about it, also I overheard Kryuger and Helian talking about some "Division Agents" that are now working with you. Can you explain a little more about that?>>

Gentiane: In short Kalina, we encounter them while we are searching for M4 and from what I can tell they are like special forces with cool gadgets and stuff. I would explain more through this call, but it would take up a lot of time.

<<Kalina: I understand, you can tell me more when I get back to base.>>

Gentiane: Speaking of which, when are you getting back here to base?

<<Kalina: Im not sure, but It wont take that long. Properly like 2 more days maybe less, Ill check with Mr. Kryunger about getting me back to you early. Why you ask? 

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