Act 11

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*TEAM 1 AND 2*


It's still dark since the team have left the base, the sound of the helicopter rotors beating is all that Jack can hear. Everyone else in the helicopter was busy looking at their equipment for one final check before landing. Since almost everyone is taking part in this mission, the team is split into two with each team in their own helicopter. Jack, Spear, SOP, MG4, and USAS made up the first team who were deploying first in the front line. While team two which consists of Bear, Edward, M4, Star, and Lynx are deploying just west of where they are landing. As the team is about ready with their equipment checks, Jack then radios over the headset to the pilot.

Agent Jack: Pilot, how much farther?

<<T-Doll Pilot: Not far off now, about 3 minutes till we arrive at the first drop off point.>>

Agent Jack: Good to hear that, everyone ready?

He then looks at all the team members that are with him to see if they are done with their checks.

Agent Spear: Yup, all set.

Agent Bear: Ready.

Agent Edward: Set and loaded.

M4A1: I'm ready.

St AR15: Same here.

SOPMOD 2: I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready!

MG4: I'm loaded.

GM6 Lynx: All set here.

USAS-12: I'm done.

Agent Jack: Perfect, commander this is Jack. Do you copy?

<<Gentiane: I hear you, send traffic.>>

Agent Jack: We almost arrived at the first drop off point and team one is ready to get this mission started.

<<Gentiane: Glad to hear that, remember we are only here to support our special force unit to extract whenever they need from that area. So that means we are going to hold up an area and draw a lot of attention to get SF off their backs, but once we are done with that you can all pull out.>>

Agent Jack: Copy that.

MG4: Quick question, who are we exactly supporting commander?

<<Gentiane: I don't know, and I don't care. Just make sure you get SF attention to draw action away from them.>>

SOPMOD 2: Let's party then!

ST AR15: SOP, calm down. Remember the plan of attack, you're not good to us if you have to shoot SF while carrying pieces of yourself everywhere we go.

SOPMOD 2: Fine.

M4A1: She is right but, you can have all the fun you want once we are done.


ISAC lit up as M4 finished her sentence. Like the previous operation, the area where Jack and Spear went. The surrounding ruins of the city are toxic for humans to breath so they relay on their mask to keep them alive while operating this sector.

Agent Bear: That's our line. Mask up you three, don't want you to breathe any of that nasty stuff.

Agent Edward: Way ahead of you.

Agent Spear: Got it.

The four agents then put on their respirators and check their filters if they are all good. Once Jack finishes putting on his mask, he then radios the pilot once more.

Project Crosshatch (Division 2 X Girls Frontline)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant