Cut Short Stories: Cookies and Neighbors

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Note: Why Shorts? Since this story takes some time to make and there's a lot of cut dialogue and jokes in my drafts (and in my head) that didn't make it into the final story. But instead of mostly deleting them I decided to gather up the scraps and compile it to some short that are mostly quick and easy to make. Let me know if you all like to see more of these cuts, but anyways enjoy.






WT Heavy 1: So that is all?

WT Officer: That is all, just stand around and fuck all doing nothing.

WT Heavy 2: Then why do we need to bring all these gear with us?

WT Officer: Hell if I know, just don't do anything stupid while I talk with higher ups for a minute. Just make sure, "lightbulb head" over there is constantly working.

BT Scientist: *Yelling background* I HEARD THAT YOU FUCK!

WT Officer: *Yelling Back* That's what I'm aiming for! Anyways, I'll be back in a couple of minutes.

WT Heavy 1: Ok sir.

WT Heavy 2: Ok sir.

The White Tusk Officer left leaving the two heavies standing next to a set of crates of munition right across where the scientist is working.

WT Heavy 1: ...

WT Heavy 2: ...

WT Heavy 1: Hey can I ask you something?

WT Heavy 2: What is it?

WT Heavy 1: Why are we guarding this place if Black Tusk already have units designed for this?

WT Heavy 2: Should have asked the officer instead when you have the chance. Best answer I can give is that our unit has more experience in VIP situations and objectives than whatever Schaeffer men are hiring over there.

WT Heavy 1: But didn't we get our ass kicked by the division before?

WT Heavy 2: We did, but unlike them we actually dropped a few of them before they dropped us. Unlike those guys who basically just do nothing but act like target practice for them. That is why we still have funding from the top brass coming in at us.

WT Heavy 1: So we are basically doing their job right now?

WT Heavy 2: Pretty much and we are also pissing them off for stealing their funding as well, even though we only deploy in certain situations.

WT Heavy 1: How can you tell?

He then looked up towards the catwalk above them to see a lone Black Tusk soldier making his way across the hovercraft. He takes off his helmet as he faces towards the Black Tusk Medic walking.




WT Heavy 1: ...

WT Heavy 2: See what I mean?

WT Heavy 1: *Sigh* Ok moving on from that, I got another question to ask you.

WT Heavy 2: Does it include anything about what we are doing?

WT Heavy 1: No it is not. Before the outbreak even happened, have you ever had any of those fortune cookies that some chinese food places provided you?

WT Heavy 2: I did, but why has it happened before the outbreak?

WT Heavy 1: Is it obvious, every cookie I get afterwards always has to be talking about green pox or whatever that virus is called. But I'm getting off track and-

WT Heavy 2: Get to the point.

WT Heavy 1: Sorry. Have you ever opened a cookie before and added your own fortune that doesn't make sense?

WT Heavy 2: What do you mean?

WT Heavy 1: You make your own fortune from scratch like, "The problem just got bigger, think about what you have just done."

WT Heavy 2: Well that is completely the opposite of what a normal fortune cookie should say. Why, though?

WT Heavy 1: Is for a little humor you know. Back in high school I got a buddy of mine to ship in a custom box of cookies with some of the most ridiculously funny fortune you can think of.

WT Heavy 2: What are the fortunes?

WT Heavy 1: I got one with, "You will create new life, but in bed, and if someone have the same fortune as you."

WT Heavy 2: Hm, what else you got?

WT Heavy 1: There is another one that said, "Error, fortune.exe is not responding."

WT Heavy 2: *Small chuckle* That made me smile for a bit.

WT Heavy 1: That is the goal of it.

WT Heavy 2: Which one was your favorite?

WT Heavy 1: I don't have a favorite, but there is one that happened when I joined a party with some friends' sister. I gave one to a pair of sisters and guess what is said?

WT Heavy 2: What is it?

WT Heavy 1: Things will go Alabama in the-

WT Heavy 2: I'm going to stop you there now.

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