Act 7

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Agent Spear: You see anything Lynx?

GM6 Lynx: Nope, no movement at all. Even the thermals show that it's all clean. Looks like they are serious when they all pull out.

Agent Spear: Well that's a stroke of luck. We are pretty weak after that fight and I don't believe that we can survive another attack.

It's been hours since the attack on the base. Even though they have won, they still keep on watch just in case SF tries to do another assault on them. But with how things are looking, another attack is highly unlikely due to everyone working around the clock all night to get base defenses back online.


<<Agent Jack: Spear, Lynx you still up there?>>

Agent Spear: Yeah, we are still here. No sign of any SF units that stayed behind and cleaned up. We are clean for now, how's the gate turrets doing?

<<Agent Jack: Me, MG4, and SAW just finished topping off the turrets and starting to boot them back up. In a few minutes the turret is going to be live and active. Thanks for staying up and doing watches for the night. Go and take a well needed break, you earned it. Out>>

Agent Spear: That's what I like to hear. Come on Lynx, let's get out of here.

GM6 Lynx: Finally, I was getting tired from just looking at nothing for a while.

Spear and Lynx make their way off the roof of the base and back inside where the rest of the team are taking a breather. Meanwhile at the gates, Jack, MG4, and SAW were waiting for the base turrets to go online.

M249 SAW: Is it finished loading? I'm starting to get quite bored just looking at belts of bullets.

MG4: Give it a minute SAW, it's almost done. Keep an eye on the belt just in case one of the links is loose or something. Jack, is the optic system all calibrated?

Agent Jack: I just have ISAC run a scan of the turret, it's all good on my end. What about yours?

MG4: The system is almost done should be back online right about-

Before she finished her sentence, the turrets soon started up, began loading its custom ammunition, and started scanning for targets on the open fields.


MG4: And that's all we have to do.

Agent Jack: That's some pretty advanced stuff they got. Where do you learn how to operate them so quickly?

MG4: Well, doing logistics is not the only thing I'm assigned to do. I did some repairs around my previous base that was assigned before.

M249 SAW: Oh yeah, you requested a transfer here because you wanted to see some actions instead of your previous commander sending you to do logistics all the time.

MG4: You can say that, other than that it looks like we are done here.

Agent Jack: Well that is some good news, I'm going back inside right now to give your commander the news of the base defenses. You two should take a break.

M249 SAW: Way ahead of you.

MG4: Ok, I'm just going to run one quick check on the turrets then I'll head inside.

Agent Jack: Alight got it.

Jack and SAW soon head back towards the base as MG4 stay behind to do one more check. Once inside the base, SAW when straight to her dorms and Jack went towards the direction of the commander's office. With the base being pretty small it took him almost no time to be outside of the office.

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