Act 5

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It's was early morning  here in the small G&K base. Ever since the newcomer arrived here by helicopter, no time was wasted of left behind. Edward was rushed to the only medical room that exists here and M4 was taken to the repair bay. Its was the most action that the base have experience here since the first recon mission they were sent on. As the group are split in the base Gsh-18 was in the medical ward. The low hums and beeps of medical equipment is all that Gsh-18 can hear. For the most part, she only uses this room for just checkups for the commander due to being one of the two human staff in this small base. But with the introduction of the agents and one being in critical condition, she can put her medical skills for good use. Looking up from her laptop she sees Edward, asleep on the medical bed with IV's sticking out on his wrist and arms but still wearing his face mask. He has bandages covering his lower chest area when he was initially shot from Executioner's sidearm. Right next to him is M4A1, asleep and still holding the reviver hive that Jack has given her. After finishing up reporting Edward's condition on her laptop she walks out of the room where she sees Agent Jack sitting outside in one of the makeshift benches. Seeing Gsh-18, Jack stood up and walked over to her.

Agent Jack: How is he doc?

Gsh-18: He should be fine, thankfully the plasma blots just missed his vital organs and I was able to patch him up. He should feel better when he wakes up.

Agent Jack: Thank you doc, sorry for all the trouble that we cause you. I would never have expected any of this to happen.

Jack has been waiting outside the ward since they landed here. He spend most of his time on a bench taking short naps and walking around just waiting for the new of his now injured teammate.

Gsh-18: It's fine, at least I could put my years of medical training to good use now.

 Looking over her shoulder and into the room, he sees M4 still sleeping next to Edward on chair with the reviver hive that she gave her last night.

Agent Jack: And how long has she been in there?

Gsh-18: Ever since she got out of the repair bay. Even when I was done operating on your friend, M4 was waiting outside the room. Just waiting to see him.

Agent Jack: I see. I'm going to go to your commander's office right now. Notify me when he wakes up would you?

Gsh-18: No problem Agent.

Agent Jack: Thank you Doc.

And so Jack walked down the hall towards the commander's office. With the base being small, he was in front of the door of the commander's office in no time. Opening it up, he sees Spear, Bear and Commander Gentaine sitting down in front of a coffee table talking amongst themselves.

Agent Bear: So wait, you lost me in the part of radioactive zombies, another world war, and rogue robots. Can you try to simplify everything you said again?

Gentiane: That is the most dume down version of everything that is going on here.

Agent Bear: I'm completely lost.

Agent Spear: Told you so. Oh, hey Jack.

Agent Bear: Jack, how's he? Is he ok?

Agent Jack: The doc said he will be ok.

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