Hunts For the Light

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Another day and night of hunting non-stop. It's been this way for weeks. Sleep was for the weak. I didn't need it as long as I ate some meat I was fine. You know Mom wouldn't have wanted you to take it this way. My torturous thoughts invaded me once again. I shake my head waiting on my next target.

"What am I suppose to do besides this? Date? What guy wants a girl who bites, literally bites and breaks skin?" I mutter to myself. I continue to scan until my target came into play. This woman had been preying on men all over the cities in France using her full sexible body to lure men into a trapped alley or hotel room close to the Night Clans land and drain them dry.

She had her prey following her now. He was actually really cute for a human. Stupid but cute. Now it was my turn to play my role. Jumping from the rooftop I was on I fell to the ground with the silent grace of a vampire. Using the shadows of night to my advantage, I slip through the cracks in the alley way. I had them blocked in.

"Give it up, Daywalker, I could smell you a mile away," the woman sneered.

"Oh really? And here I thought I had enough perfume on to kill though you're still living," I retort. She growled at me while holding the human closely to her body. "Just let the man go and we can talk." She laughed as she trailed a perfectly pedicured nail down his neckline.

"And why would I do that? He's the best picking I've ever done," she licked his neck. "Can't you smell it? The sweet blood coursing through his veins." She took a deep breathe to emphasize her meaning.

"You know that's you get STDs, right? I mean really is draining random men you find that important to you?" At that she bared her fangs at me. "Oh, so scary! But you must remember," I let mine drop out. "I have a pair of them too."

"Not everyone can be like you, Daywalker! Animal meat cannot fill us like it does you! You think we like doing this?!"

"This coming from a vampire I've seen take in three men in one night?"

"Ever thought I was bringing it home to my family?" She screamed. I rolled my eyes knowing the Night Clan kept some willing humans for the Clan to feed off of.

"Oh please just shut up, drop the human, and walk away. This is the only warning and only chance you have of leaving here living," I threatened. Her black eyes narrowed.

"NO!" She did end up dropping the human but only after cutting close on his throat. She licked it off her fingers with gleaming black eyes. She turned to her dinner and was about to drain the poor soul when I shot my stake right into her heart.

"I gave you a chance..." I told her as she turned to ash. After replacing my gun back into it's holder, I carefully walk towards the sad sap on the ground. I glance to see he was asleep and bleeding greatly. Great... I haul him up over my shoulder and thank my Mother for making me build up my body before she left, this man wasn't light as a feather. Deciding against a cab and a bunch of unneeded questions asked, I position the guy around my body and leap up onto the build's roof then make my way back to my house.

Entering from the roof of my old home wasn't hard since they roof was more of a building's top then a normal house. Slowly, I dragged the man down the stairs into the house and laid him on my guest bedroom. Once I set him down I went to get my medical kit, having it for the times I had a 'rough' night and needed bandaging up. I open his jacket to find a very well built, toned stomach under a tight-fitted shirt. Man, he was hot! Almost unnaturally hot for a human. Shaking my head I went to work on his wound.

"She got you bloody good, dude," I tell the unconscious man. "Great, first person I have contact with in years and he's knocked out and I'm again speaking to myself." I sigh as I finished up his wound. When I was done, I made my way to my bedroom. For once in the five years after my Mother's death that I was actually tired. I didn't even think meat could keep me awake. Barely changing out of the bloody clothes I wore, I fell into bed and passed out.

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