Broken Hearts

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      It wasn't long after Kibbe left that Rebecca woke up. Smiling I walk over to my dear friend. I made sure she was okay. She said she felt so much better meaning it had worked and she would be fine. I advised her not to go into work until after noon just so she could rest a little bit more.  She agreed and fell back asleep. I set an alarm on her phone to wake her up at 11:30 so she would have plenty of time to get ready for work if she even went in. Though I have a feeling she will just to see little Ms. Maryann.

     Afterwards I finally made my way down to the street after closing and locking her door and windows. I tried to stay calm as I made my way home but it was nearly impossible. I kept thinking back to how Kib was acting before he left. There was definitely something going on in his mind and I don't believe I'm gonna like it when I find out. I will find out what it no matter what though

    Before I knew it, I was home. I made a quick call to Doctor Emmett explaining that I had stayed up all night taking care of Rebecca and wouldn't be able to make it in today. He said it was fine and hoped I would receive plenty of rest then tried asking if he needed to stop by later but I decline his offer and said it was nothing big just needing sleep. Afterwards I made my way into my quiet home.

     Knowing since it was morning, Kibbe would be most likely up in his or my room trying to sleep. Rushing to my bathroom to change into something more comfortable I actually run straight into him. Why wasn't he in bed asleep?

     "We need to talk now," was all he said before retreating back into my darken room, awaiting for me to follow.

     "Let me change real qui-"

     "Please Alu, just come in here so we can talk. Then you can change... Please..." His last word tugged at my heart too much for me to denied his request. I step into my room and sat down beside him on the bed. 

     "What's going on with you, Kib?" I ask concern gripping me in a painful hold. He doesn't look at me as he sighs and stares at the floor for some time. I couldn't take it after some time and sat in front of him. "Kibbe, you know you can tell me anything. You know I won't judge you."

    "I doubt that..." hear him whisper. Now I was getting pissed.

     "Just fucking tell me what the hell is going on Kibbe!" I blare at him. He abruptly stands up and moves to the other side of the room, his eyes staring into pictures of my mother and I.

     "You remember the night you lost her?" He asked me. At first I was confused until I saw he was holding up my mother's picture of her and Dad at their wedding. I glance away and answer him softly.

     "How could I not?"

     "You know who killed her?" He asked. I shook my head at his odd question.

     "All I know is that it was one of the Night Clan, that's all..." With this I stare at him and come to find he has been staring at me. After a moment of silence he glides over to me. His face comes close to mine as he places his hands on the bed near me. His eyes are glowing in rage. I couldn't tell if it was towards me or who.

     "It was not just someone from the Night Clan Aluala. It was me." I was shocked still. My blood froze as my tears threaten to spill over.


     "I killed your mother, Aluala. The King order me to kill your mother to weaken you in hopes you would come back to the Night Clan willingly. He was hoping you would so he could marry you off to his son the Prince and use your blood for whatever he wanted it for. I don't know what exactly it was for but I knew he wanted you to come crawling back to them as they had hoped your mother would have. When she didn't I was ordered to kill her. She could have stopped all of this from happening but I knew even I wouldn't have wanted her to..." He lowered his eyes. "I relive that night every time I close my eyes. Every time I thought of you. I regret it so much it hurts, but that isn't a good enough excuse. There is no excuse for what I did," he fell to his knees, dropping his head with him. "Do what you must for I know you wish to kill the person who had killed her mother and only friend at the time."

     "No." Was all I could say. He raised his eyes in confusion.

     "What did you say?" He asked me. Tears of rage and sorrow fell from my eyes.

     "I said no! I don't believe you! I know you wouldn't do that to me, Kibbe! Stop lying to me!" I screamed.

     "I am not lying to you Aluala. I was even sent here to kidnap you and bring you back to the Prince." I covered my ears as a child would and began screaming that he was lying to me. He had to be lying to me.

     "Dammit, Aluala!" I felt him pull my hands from my ears and hold them down in front of me. "Look at me!" He demanded and I did as told. His face was covered in black streaks. "I killed her. I am sorry for it but I did and if you don't believe me then let me show you proof." He released my hands and took off his shirt.

     "How is this proof?" I ask confused. Instead of answering me, he closed his eyes and before I could ask what the hell he was doing, his skin began to shift. What I saw stole my breathe away. Right across his upper chest was a deep rift there. I came closer and saw what was written into his chest.

     "Ambulo die ac nocte... I walk the day and night..." I look up into his night eyes. "The only way you could have this on your skin is if..."

     "If you had sliced my skin with your handmade whip that was dripped in holy water. Yes, I know because it was me you had whipped that night of your mother's murder. I was the true bred warrior that had murdered your mother..." his voice dropped off. My heart shattered. My friend, my closest friend was the reason I no longer had my mother walking with me on this earth.

     "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!" I roared. He bowed his head and this seem to only enrage me more. I attacked him only seeing red. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I kicked him into the wall behind him. He slumped down to the ground. "SHE WAS A SECOND MOTHER TO YOU! ALL SHE EVER WANTED WAS FOR YOU AND ME TO BE SAFE AND HAPPY! HOW COULD DO THIS TO HER?! TO ME?!" I grab him by his collar and held him high into the air.

    "I wish I didn't Alu-"

     "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I flung him across the room almost making him go out the window. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT AFTER EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO ME AND HER!" I grip his neck as if to strangle him even though he needs no air to live. "WHY WON'T YOU FIGHT BACK?!" I exclaimed.

     "I deserve all you do to me and much more for all the I have caused you," he answered simply. At this I lose all my rage. Dropping him I move towards my door.

    "I have no reason to kill you... Even if I wanted to you know I couldn't..." I glance back at him. "I love you too much to kill you Kibbe. If you haven't seen that... Then you're blinder than any bat on this Earth." With that I leave him in my room and close the door. I walk downstairs and fall onto the couch. Tears fell as I grabbed a blanket and fell into a deep sleep of painful memories. Idiot... We both are complete idiots...

Day & Night *COMPLETED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ