Running Late

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"Shit. Shit. Shit." Was all I could utter as I slimmed through the madness of the children's hospital, do my best to avoid Emmett along my way to clock in.

I barely make it in on time but my relief is short lived when a Hmph comes from behind me.

"Running late are we, Nurse Aluala?" He questioned me.

"Sorry, Doctor Emmett, I had a friend come in last night unexpectedly." It was basically true, wasn't it?

I turn to face him. He was pretty well looking man standing about 6'3" with smoothed back black hair. His silvery grey eyes had always made the other nurse swoon over him even in all honesty he was just another person with pretty eyes. A lot of people say the same on my own bright green eyes even though I still am not use to having colors instead of the normal stark blacks of a vampire. Humans have such weird standards

"I see..." he stared at me for some time before shrugging it off. "Well don't let it happen often, Nurse Aluala, we can't afford another nurse down."

That caught me off guard.

"Wh-who this time?" Since this was Night Clan territory it wasn't uncommon for someone to 'go down' here. It really helped me when night fell and I was hunting those who caused those to 'go down.'

"Um..." he stalled as he checked his list. I never understood why he'd keep that on him when he knows everyone here and I mean EVERYONE. From the new/old patients to the new/old nurses and doctors.

"Rebecca called in this morning saying she was feeling light headed and couldn't be around any blood or she might lose it," he confirmed my suspicions.

Seems like the Night Clan was not only feeding off humans now but making them one of them. It's not something I'd wish on any poor soul. Being a Turned instead of a Born Blood was not a lovely life to live, though at least things have improved for them... Barely... Turns were used to serve their master or go out of their sound minds craving their master's blood... Turns still generally get treated like nothing more than worthless, replaceable students.

"Oh divine, Maryann is not going to be happy," I sighed, pinching my forehead in a vain attempt to stop the oncoming headache.

Maryann was Rebecca's cousin and closest friend since she entered the hospital a year ago for a special case of cancer. She has a chance of living but she only take her meds when Rebecca was here to give them to her. Tonight I would have to check in on Rebecca and pray she hadn't hit the point of unable to return. If she becomes a Turned, little Maryann wouldn't be with us much longer.

"Would you mind taking care of our little Miss Maryann until Nurse Rebecca returns, Nurse Aluala. Beside Rebecca, she seems to response to you well," Emmett requested me.

I nodded knowing he was right. For some reason I had a way with children even before I started working here. I always kept some pieces of candy on me when I was out and about. None of the parents ever minded either. It was like people knew I wouldn't ever hurt their child.

"I'll go to her right now then head to my other patients," I informed Emmett. He nodded with a smile. As I begin to walk towards Maryann's room he called my name.

"Hey, Aluala... I mean Nurse Aluala, if you're not busy sometime this week I was wondering if you like to go grab a drink after work or something." I gave him my best friendly smile.

"You know I don't drink along with I have classes to study for, Doctor Emmett, and now an old friend I need to catch up with." The classes was a complete bullshit lie but what was I suppose to say, "I have some psycho vampires who probably are the cause of Rebecca missing to go kill tonight and every night."? Yeah, right. No one in their right mind would believe me.

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