Little Alu

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After finally getting her to listen to me, we both shattered once it came to play we had found one another once again. I still couldn't believe she thought I was dead, or that she would wish to die with me if I had. Once I laid her into her bed I tried to pull away to think, but, as she always had, she held on tight to my arm. Her asking me to join her was beyond a dream for me. As soon as I laid on the bed, she curled up with me as we did when we were much younger.

"I will stay here with you forever, my little Alu," I whispered to her and it was the truth. How badly I wish it could happen though I knew it couldn't be. The Lord had given me until the full moon, which was in three weeks to bring her back to the Clan. Sighing, I enjoyed the moment at hand and in the first time in sixteen years, I actually closed my eyes and slept. I listened to the rhythmic beating of her heart, as dreams of our past together swam through me and creeped into my dreams.

 "Come on, Kib! Let's play!"

Aluala was running around the front yard. It was close to dawn.

 "Alu! The sun is coming up! Please! Come inside!" I bellowed. She turned towards the rising sun.

 "But it's so pretty!" She bounced with joy as the sun continued to rise above the distant mountain range. The sunlight had barely come into contact with her pearly white skin. She screeched in pain as the beautiful sun poisoned her.

 "Alu!" I hollered as I sprinted to her side, not caring of the pain scorching my skin. I had my eyes set on my little Alu and nothing would stop me from bringing her back from the sun's harmful rays. Once I had a hold of her slight body, I used all the strength I had left to make it back inside before the sun completely rose over the shading of the nearby trees.

"Maria! Mommy!" I cried out to Aluala's mother and my own. They came running to us.

 "What happened?!" They both exclaimed.

 "Aluala wouldn't come inside before the sun rose and she got hurt! I saved her but..." I looked at my own now ashen skin; twitching in pain. "I don't care if I'm hurt, just help Alu! Please Mama! Maria! Help me save her! I need my little Alu!" I wept. Both mother's carried Alu and I back to the darkest rooms in the house.

 "Kibbe I need you to let go of Aluala so her mommy can take care of her and I can take care of you," my mother tried to reason with me. But being only seven years old, reasoning was not something you could do with me. I only rattled my head no.

 "Wherever she goes, I go!" I screamed.

 "I wish that was so, little Kibbe, but you two have different paths to take. And Aluala has to start hers now, okay?" Maria told me. I had known this was coming but not this soon- she was only three. I couldn't lose my little Alu!

 "Kib..." Aluala mumbled to me. "Please... it hurts... so much..." Her begging lead me to letting her go. Maria carefully picked up my little Alu and carried her away.


 "Kib!" Aluala exclaimed as I walked into the room with a raw steak.

 "Hi little Aluala, how are you feeling?" I asked her. Since the sun accident, Alu was resting even though it was some weeks after it.

 "I'm fine! How are you?" Taken back by her question I then felt ill. "Kib?!" I started to fall. "No!" I heard her cry before I blacked out.


 "How are my two little troopers?" Maria asked. Our mothers had pushed the two beds in the room together since both of us refused to be in the same with each other and not share a bed.

 "We're all good, Mommy!" Aluala coughed. I looked at her pale skin even more pale than other of the vampire children as was my own reflection.

 "Well good," she smiled as she placed down our food, we'd barely touch, then left us alone. I smiled sadly as Maria walked out and Aluala's birthday... She'd leave me that night...

 "What's wrong, my little Kib?" Aluala sung to me. I turned my head away from the door and glazed deeply into her eyes.

"Nothing, my dear little Aluala," I kissed behind her left ear.


 "It's time to go, Kibbe," my mother whispered to me. Maria and her had planned it to look like the sun's poison had killed me. I nod sadly as we snuck out of the house. I glance back at the house my best friend soon would use to live in. I felt my red tears fall as we made our way to the new dorm I alone would live in while my mother served as the Lord's Lady's maid. I was to be taught in all studies and train with those much stronger than me. All of this to protect and draw attention away from my little Alu and her mother's escape that night.


 "Fight!" Our instructor commanded. My opponent had some years and weight on me. Being only sixteen I was the strongest of my class and moved into a more advance training. The man stood 6'9" to my now 6'1" about 25 years old and in the Lord's highest training class.

 He attempted a few punches to my chest range but I blocked them before striking the back of his knee. He recovered quickly then went to flip me over his shoulder. I slide to the side, grip his arm and pulled him into a head lock. He gained little ground on me and released himself from my hold just to be kneed in the stomach followed by being strike in the back by my elbow with a final blow to the back of the head he was knocked out cold.

 A slow clap began before the whole room erupted into a congratulating sound. Remaining emotionless, I turn to my instructor and bowed. Little did I realize that the Lord had been watching until I reached my shared dorm, with a young man named Blackton, to find a hand-written letter from him inviting me to join his private guards and warriors.


 "Are you sure you can handle this, my son?" Mother asked me once again as I readied myself to kill Maria.

 "I must, Mother. Maria knew this to come..." I held back the pain of having to kill the woman who was a second mother to me. "If I don't, the Lord will send someone else and no one will just let Aluala live with something happening to her..." The thoughts of another male laying hands on my little Alu put a twist in my stomach.

 "I know..." She sighed defeat. I kissed her head.

 "I will be home soon," I kissed her head. She nodded then kissed my cheek. Next thing I knew I was out the window and on my way to the horrible end of Maria Francis Deed...


 Some years after having to kill my second mother, I am informed I must bring in my little Alu. I knew the day would come when the Lord would find her a pain in his ass but I wasn't ready to face her again. To see the happiness in her eyez to see me again when I killed her mother. I killed her only blood kin left after the father's random death at too young an age for her to remember.

The last dream or more like memory shocked me awake. It was still dark outside but I knew I wouldn't be sleeping again that night. I glance down to see my little Alu still curled up on my chest. I smile slowly at her before the final memory crept back through my mind  

  "I'm so sorry, my little Alu," I snuggled deep into her embrace. "If I could sweep us away to a better world of you, me, my mother, and your mother with no one else I would..." I kissed behind her ear than her cheek. She stirred slightly in her sleep and mumbled in her sleep.

"My little Kib... I love you..." She whispered. I was shocked still. Then I leaned down and cooed back to her.

"My little Alu, I have always loved you and even if you hate me by the next full moon, I will always love you..." I hug her tightly while playing with her hair. My blood tears fell onto her rosy little cheeks. "I just pray you will forgive me one day and never forget that... I'm so sorry..."

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