Confusing Kisses?

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'I want to see him burned in the morning...' Those words repeated in my mind as I was dragged away from the throne room to my prison cell. I heard the Prince's laughter before I even saw his bitch-ass face shortly after I was chained up.

"Seems she played you as the fool you are, Kibbe." He grinned twistedly at me. He was relishing in my sorrow. I may have not showed anything yet he knew this was the lowest of blows for me. She had saved me only to have me burn in front of her family?! If you can call them that!

"Oh, do not worry," he smirked at me. "If you are ever so lucky, my bride will come and visit you before the morning." He turned to leave. I kept my head low but I felt my lips twitch into a smirk of my own.

"Don't you mean your SISTER?" I spat with so much venom you'd think I'd be a snake. I didn't have to look up to know I had angered him. Specially once I received a single blow to my stomach. I slammed into the wall behind me. I begun laughing. "Is that the best you can do, your old assness? She hits harder than you do! Now that's just sad!" I pushed. He came for me but was drug backwards.

"Stop this, Brother!" Demanded the last voice I wished to hear.

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" Irijah bellowed. I heard a hand connect to skin and prayed it was she who had smacked him and not the other way around.

Why should you care? She betrayed you! It wouldn't matter if she was the one to stand by me as I burned and laugh. I would never be able to stop loving her.

"Then do not ACT like a childish sibling!" She commanded him. With a huff he left, leaving her here with me. I stare at her as she stares at anything besides my eyes.

"You can leave now. I didn't need your help with him," I state coldly. Even though I did still love her, I wasn't going to let her play me as a fool. Still she did not look at me and spoke nothing. "If you are just going to stand there then enjoy yourself." I turn away from her. She mummer something but I stayed turned from her. I thought she had finally left until I was turned around to face her. Before I could say a thing, her lips were pressed against mine. For a moment I bathed in the kiss. Her lips were soft but I could feel the hunger behind every movement.

WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?!? I snapped my head back and stared her confused as hell. She smiled slightly and blushed a bit. I continued to stare at her. I open my mouth the yell at her but she quickly covered my mouth.

"Quiet!" She hissed at me. I struggled against her hand. "Shut up and I'll explain!" She growled at me. Her eyes actually darken which scared the living shit out of me. "I'm going to remove my hand as long as you promise to hear me out. Okay?" Signing, I nod to her request. Though once her hand was off my mouth, I bite her hand. "Ow! What the hell for that for?!?!"

"Oh.... I don't know. Having me be burned in the morning," I state cruelly. She signed.

"I can explain, okay? But can you heal this first?" I stared at her confused. She could heal on her own, we all could.

"Why? You heal just like us."

"Do you trust me?" I nodded. "Then do as I say." She thrust her injured hand into my face as the smell of her blood began consuming my every thought. Then again I haven't been fed since I arrived here. I took her hand and drank hungrily her intoxicating blood. I hadn't even noticed she had moved my shirt to the side until she started drinking from me. My eyes widen as I looked into her mind. I knew her plan. We both pulled back as I felt a pain in my chest.

"What-- What's going on?" I questioned her as the pain where my un-beating heart laid grew, but she was gone. I began to pass out from the increasing pain that had spread from my chest to my lungs and rest of my body. As I faded out, I heard her voice in my mind whisper. Rest now, my Kib. All will be well and known when you wake...

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