Reckless Behavior and Savior Blood

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    (Kibbe)   "I have no reason to kill you... Even if I wanted to you know I couldn't..." She glance back at me. "I love you too much to kill you Kibbe. If you haven't seen that... Then you're blinder than any bat on this Earth..." With that she left me in her room and close the door.

     Her last words ring in my head. Even after I heard walk downstairs, flop onto the couch down there and cry herself to sleep. She doesn't even need sleep though because of me it's would be no wonder she would need it.

     "What have I done, Maria?" I ask the sky above me. After everything I had ended up on top of Aluala's rooftop staring into the stars and heavens above. "I thought she would have killed me... I would have rather her kill me then this. Anything but this!" I whisper angrily. 

     I no longer fought off the urge to cry for there was no reason to fight them anymore. I had done the unspeakable to my closest and only friend. I had robbed her of her mother, allowed her to believe me as dead, almost tricked her into trusting me so I could only to bring her to the Prince of the Night Clan. What was wrong with me?! What person in their right mind would want to do something as stupid and wrong to someone they cared for?!

    You had reasons to do so if you had not you would have lost your own mother. My mind counter plays my horrible yet true thoughts.

     "Yet in the end I lost my mother!"

    She gave up her life to spare you the pain of seeing the woman you love be used a sexual play toy, tortured then drained every drop of her blood. She knew what she was doing when she released you from needing to save her. I hiss at the truth playing through each word that was known to my un-beating heart.

    "How could she love me? After everything I have done?" At this my mind had become silent of an answer for these haunting questions. After a long time of no response I sigh and head back downstairs. I walk over to where sweet Aluala lays peacefully. I don't have to look so close to see the tear strains down her cheeks.

     I torn my eyes away from her and find a piece of paper with a pen. After finishing my note to her I set in\t next to the slightly stirring Aluala. I glance at her sadly, wishing I could take back all I had brought on her. But I couldn't... I walk over to her body and kiss her forehead for the last time.

     "I am so sorry, my little Alu... I hope you can forgive me... Someday..." With my last words spoken, I move to her stairs and make my way up to her rooftop. This is where all my sins started and here is where they would all end. 


    (Aluala) It was early morning when woke up from a night of tears and pain. Stretching my sore arms, feel something brush against my skin. When I glance down to see what it was, my head cocked to the side curiously. It was a paper, a note more like it, written to me from Kibbe.

     Dear My Beloved Alu,

                     I know I have done wrong to you and no excuse can explain my reasonings behind it. I do wish for you to know that they have my mother in a cage and straved her unless I did as ordered. I do not know how they had found you and Maria but once they did I was ordered to make you alone in this world. In their minds they thought this would weaken you, though I know you better than that. Even as I carried out the deed, I knew you would only come back stronger than you were before. You are a strong, beautiful warrior for those of the Light. Seeing the passion in your eyes the first night you had brought me in, I knew I was right. No matter what they would have done or what they did would weaken you. It just increased your strength.

                     I wish you the best for the future to come. And know I will not be causing you anymore harm. With my mother have been burned this past morning light and seeing as I only cause you harm, I am now seeing I receive what I deserve. In the time you read this I will be on top of your building awaiting the morning sun to turn my skin into ashen dust. I do not deserve to live after all my crimes I have committed. Please be safe, my sweet little Aluala. I have always loved you too. 

Goodbye my love,


     Not even reading over the letter again, I full on sprint to my rooftop door. The sun was already rising but barely enough for him to be horribly burnt or at least that's what I kept telling myself. Once reaching the rooftop door, I come to find it blocked.

     "That little fucker," I mumble as I throw my body weight against the door. Think it would be easy enough being a Daywalker. Well, it ain't. I'm half human so I'm stronger than humans but not as strong as I would have been being a full adult vampire turned into a Daywalker.

     "Kibbe! Kibbe, open this door now!" I bellowed through the door, once again throwing my body against the door. That's when I heard it. I heard him screaming in pain. The sun was up and now burning him. With all I could I threw myself at the door one last time. As it was blasted off it's hinges I felt some of my ribs crack. Ignoring the pain in my ribcage, I sprinted to the kneeling form of my Kib. Hauling him up, I make a mad dash back to the rooftop, now missing it's door, exit. He is still screaming in agony as I finally get us out of the sun's harmful rays.

     Panting, I set him down to find his skin blistered and bleeding black. His wounds were worst than when we had both been in the sun's rays as children. Quickly, I stripe off his shirt and attempt to clean his wounds but it wasn't working. A string of curse leave my lips.

     "Aluala?" I hear him whisper my name. Tear begin to spill over my eyes as my anger turns into fear and sorrow.

     "You idiot!" I scream in tears. "Why?! Why would you think I'd want you to take your life?! What lead you to believe that is what I wanted you to take from last night?!" I sob falling to my knees. I feel his hand weakly on my cheek.

     "I am sorry. I thought it was for the best if I..." he coughed up blood. "Left you to be free from my crimes..." I crawl closer towards him, laying my head on his blacken bloody chest.

     "You're an idiot..." I sob. For a moment I felt his hands in my hair before they fell away. "No..." I lifted my head in panic. "No! Dammit! No! No no no no!" He was still bleeding and barely breathing but his body was limp. I had to think quickly. I glanced around the room and that's when my eyes land on my mother's picture. As if she was right beside me, her words of long ago whisper into my ears. 

     "The one thing that saved you from the sun's burn, my baby girl..."   

      "Was the blood you gave me..." I spoke aloud the last words of her own. Panic filled, I rush into the kitchen and gave a knife. In a single moment I was again beside Kibbe. "This better work..." I slice the smooth skin at my wrist and hold it over his mouth. My blood fell in slow steady drops for what seemed forever before he reacted to it.

     I had been told once that my blood was the sweetest ever among the vampires and I knew it to be true when Kibbe jolted awake and sank his fangs deep into my wrist. It was only painful for a moment before a numbing pleasure washed over me.

     "Kibbe..." I whispered as I felt the fainting effect coming on after some time. "Kibbe, stop..." In some miracle he did but I was already closing my eyes. All I saw after that was darkness. 


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