Deals Made Pt 1

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      I struggled to wake up. The darkness was so welcoming but something felt wrong. I was messing a body holding me. His name crossed my mind and I shot awake.

     "Kibbe!" Rapidly I scanned the room. I was in the hidden area my mother had placed in when I was little. This is where I was to go if something ever happened but I out grew it when I started training. When I try to push open the door to exit the room, I find it blocked. 

      "Dammit!" The room isn't small but it's not really that large either. I moved as close to the other side of the room  as I can. Three seconds later I had broken through the door and tumbled into my bed stand. 

     "Ow! Son of bitch!" I cry out. Damn I need to be more careful. I attempt to stand and fall right back to the floor. "Shit..." I forgot I had given Kibbe most of my blood so until I fed I wasn't going to become any stronger. 

     Slowly I make my way across my floor and down the hall to the stairs. Somehow I manage to make it downstairs without injuring myself. I crawl across the floor into my kitchen and finally grab some of the raw meat inside the fringe. At this point I could careless if it was worked or not. I stuffed my mouth full of the raw meat. Within minutes I was able to stand on my own. I grab a quick blood bottle as an extra boast. 

     As I down yet another bottle, I see a slight piece of folded up paper on the counter. I held my bottle as I picked it up. My eyes widened, mt bottle fell to the floor, as I read the note...

Dear sweet Aluala,

I believe it is time for you to come back home. Kibbe is here waiting for you. I highly suggest if you wish him to live, you arrive at the castle by morningl be waiting for you.

Prince Irijah

     "No..." I read over the note multiple times and still I came to the same conclusion. It was time for me to return home...

     Forgetting the blood on my floor, I rushed upstairs and slip into my hunting suit. I lock in place hidden blades and holy water. Knowing the smell of  blood would cause trouble later on while I was gone, I grabbed a towel and quickly cleaned it up. I threw the towel into the washer just in case and started it.

     "I'm going to kill that little son of a bitch!" I growl out as I slam my door shut. No one was out as late it was. Good, only meant I didn't have to hid my powers. I leapt between the two buildings. Landing on the rooftops, I begin sprinting towards the woods were I knew they were hidden.

     It wasn't even an hour later, I had arrived to the castle I had grown up around. There weren't many of the Clan still within the village which meant no one would stop me from walking right in. I strolled down the path to the Royal palace. Nothing had really changed since we had left. The houses were close together and many family would fill them in the morning. The market wasn't busy as it use to me. That's weird...

     I finally stand before the grand doors, taking a deep breathe I enter. I knew where everyone was now. It seemed all of the Night Clan had turned up for my return. How sweet... I glided towards the thrones and there he sat. Prince Irijah and his father King Victor along with his, imprisoned wife Rebecca. I glance to the side where they have chained Kibbe. He was beyond beaten. Dry blood streaked his normally flawless skin. There were blacken marks indicating not only he has been burned but repeated punched. I could even see the whip marks on his chest, face and back. I held in my emotions I continued my way to the Royals. Once I arrive in front of them, Victor rises with a twisted grin and addresses me.

     "It is nice to have you home, Princess Aluala..."

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