Final Battle

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(Kibbe) "Going somewhere, Sister?" Irijah questioned with an amused smile playing on his lips. I tighten my grip on my little Alu. I almost lost her once, I wasn't about to lose her again. Specially not to the sick twisted monster known as her half brother.

"Leave now, Irijah," I commanded. "Your kingdom has fallen and all are dead. Leave while you can still keep your head." He laughed crudely at my demand.

"As if I would obey you, peasant! Now hand me over my sister!" He demanded. Yeah, that shit doesn't work on me anymore.

"Over. My. Dead. Body!" I reply through gritted teeth. His smirk faltered for a split second. He's not use to not getting his way.

"That can be arranged..." He answered. A low growl from my side, reminded me Aluala was still by my side.

"I'm right here you know!" She hollered at us both. He turned to her as I glanced out of the corner of my eyes to her ridged body. I grab her hand and give it a little squeeze.

"Oh yes, I know. But save that pretty little voice of yours," His eyes attended back to my now glowing midnight blue eyes. "I will want you to be able to scream for me as I take you as mine tonight." My eyes widen, my heart pounded. That. Was. It.

In a blur of fury, I was in front of him slamming my fist into his pretty little face. He went flying into the back wall a good 800 feet behind him. He fell to the ground yet landed on his feet. I graced the ground in a crouch as he began to laugh unsoundly. I stand, glaring daggers at his barely marked face.

"Is that all you can do? You were not as well-trained as I thought!" I feel my hands morph and lengthen as my rage began to over taken me. My blacks blacken as my fangs slide out vicious. Even though now I walked as a Daywalker, I felt a power even stronger than I have ever known before. Irijah's eyes widen greatly as he took on my new appearance. My mouth turns up slightly, it's amusing how he continues to stare at me in horror.

"You shouldn't have pissed me off and died off with everyone else, Irijah," I glance down as I flex my hands out, showing off my glisten black claws. "Now you die painfully and slow." He had only taken a step back before he ran into a very much powerful looking Aluala.

"Hello, Brother. Miss me?" She ask sweetly with a mouth full of sharp fangs. She has a predator in this state though I could tell I was stronger than her. Her normally bright green eyes were dilated into an endless black pit as her thin yet strong hands formed into razor sharp claws that seemed a bit thinner than my own.

Irijah began to stumble into the two of us. Slowly, we crept closer to him. It was a trap. I just hadn't thought of it. A grin grew onto his lips as he leap once we grew near. I glanced up at him confused until I heard Aluala scream at me to move out of the way. It was too late. One of the columns which had held the ceiling up was now falling upon me. I had no time to save myself as I turned to Aluala, throwing her to safety. All I could hear was her crying out my name as the column collapse onto me.


(Aluala) "KIBBE!" I cried out as the column collapse on him. Tears threaten to spill as a laughter was over-spilling the scene before me. My claws lengthen even more than they ever have as my sorrow turns into rage. My eyes burned fire-y colors as I stare down my younger half-brother.

"Oh, did I make you angry, Sister?" He asked with false sympathy. A low unearthly growl surpassed my lips as I stared him down. This seemed to startled him as he began to back away from me. My blood was boiling in my veins as I stalked him down.

"You should have just died with your father!" My voice, though was calm, boomed throughout the hall. "You should have accepted the ever lightly painful death of being burned by the sun." As he backed away from me he had tripped over a broken piece of the column. He continued to retreat from my presence. Fear painted clearly across his face and deep within his eyes he knew he had done himself in. He had signed his death wish and now it was time for it to be fulfilled.

"Now you will die by my own hands, Brother!" I spat as his back hit the wall. He closed his eyes as I stood before him then sunk down to stare in his eyes. "Now you are mine for the killing."

The next moments became a blur to me. I could barely recall much of it afterwards. He had screamed and called at for mercy but he didn't deserve it. I remember there had be a slew amount of his blood shed yet not I took in. I remember him pleading for me to end it and at last I did. I seized him by the throat, rise him high in the air and smile crookedly as I brought his head down breakneck painfully onto the hallways' floor. Even though I was covered in his blood, I couldn't come to care. I had to make sure Kibbe wasn't...

Shaking my head I dash to where the column laid. It wasn't there... It had been moved a good 10-15 feet away from where it had fallen. Frantically, I scanned for any sign of my Kib. My eyes began to tear as I had turned into a hard chest. I glance up to find a very beaten and bloody Kibbe grinning down at me.

"Thought I was going to go that easily?" He teased. No answering him, I threw my arms around him and finally let the tears fall. He wrapped his arms around me and traced circles on my back.

"I thought I lost you..." I sobbed into his chest.

"Shhhhhh, it's alright. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. I'm not going anywhere," he cooed at me. We stood like for what seemed as forever. When I finally had sobered up, we slowly made our way out of the castle. As we limped our way towards my--- our home, I glanced back at the now and forever abandoned castle we once called home. We were finally free.

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