Deals Made Pt 2

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      My eyes widened, my brain wanting to scream out, WHAT?! How was this possible?! My little Alu was the princess of the Night Clan?! This thought couldn't process properly in my mind. There was no way!

      "Hello... Father..." Aluala responded. I felt my mouth fall open before I quickly snapped my jaw closed. This can't be real! And from the look on the Prince's face (priceless by the way), I wasn't the only one thinking that. Guess I wasn't the only one left out of the loop.

     "Father, what is going---" The Prince had started before his Father silenced him. He turn his attention to the Clan.

      "Our Princess has finally been found! Now go! Celebrate her return my children!"

      Without a second thought, everyone was gone. All that was left was the Royal family, Aluala, and myself- I was not going to put her in the category as those cruel men. Dreadful moments passed as the deathly silence last on and on.

      "Aluala... AH!" I attempted to break the silence and received a lashing.

     "Leave him alone!" Aluala growled, looking on as the deadly predator I knew her as. Victor just gave her a toothy grin. I would kill for the chance to knock those fangs right outta that mouth.

      "How sweet. You still care for him, after all this time." There was no sign, or even a hint, of sincerity in his voice. He was only trying not to laugh.

      "Father!" Prince Irijah's voice had risen with anger. I had to admit, despite everything, I really did get some sick sense of amusement knowing the Prince here had no clue that the one he wanted was his sister. "What is the meaning of all this?!"

      Victor sighed and momentarily glanced to his impatient son, before moving back to Alu.

      "Shall I answer? Or do you wish to, Daughter?" Victor asked Aluala. I could see she was holding back a snarl at him for calling her 'daughter'. Apparently this "family" isn't as close as you'd expect. (Or maybe just as much as one would expect...)

       "Why don't you? You seem to know more than I." she stated coldly; but we both knew that was untrue. She would know more than anyone else. If Maria had her because of Victor, then Maria wouldn't have tried to hide Aluala from her sperm detonator.

       "Ah, but only what happened up to a point, my sweet." He smiled. "How about I start, and you will finish?"

      She only nods. I stare at her as Victor begins their tale.

      "In the earlier years of my kingdom, I was informed by an elder that, one day, there will come a child of my blood who will kill me if not destroyed at birth. I took this to heart as any other would. Though this was some time before I found your mother, Irijah." He nodded to his son before continuing. "It was the beautiful, free spirited Maria. She was beyond the beauty of any other female vampire of her time. We had talked for some time, before I finally asked her if she would be mine. However, she had already found someone, and they were waiting to start a family. I was furious when she told me this. I would not have it!"

     His eyes became bright with fury, and he clutched his hands tight until they made a disgustingly loud pop. It was easy to guess where this was going if the mere memory could get him this worked up.

      "So I killed the man, and held her in my castle as my bride! No one but me should have her! She was MINE!" His loud cry echoed out, admitting sending chills down my spine.

     After a moment of recomposing himself, Victor resumed in a more formal tone.

     "Though, after much convincing and pleading, I did allowed her to have a home outside of the castle once I had found you, my dear." I turned away from Alu just in time to watch him pat the stilled hand of the current Queen. She showed no emotion, as though she had trained herself not.

      I now attempted to keep my eyes completely on Victor as he droned on, but of course they still wondered occasionally to the suited up grace of my love.

      "I still kept eyes on her, but it seems not a close enough of one... For you see, Daughter, your mother kept the secret that she was pregnant with you very well. So well I must admit, that I never would have known. That is until you decided to play out in the sunlight one day. At that moment you truly gave yourself up, silly child of mine." His twisted smirk pointed towards her. My fists clench instinctively, but I made no movement so I would not be whipped again. I had to save my strength.

      "How about I tell from there? Since all you knew was I either died or taken away?" I could hear the smirk in her tone and just knew this would only anger both Victor and Irijah. I felt my lips twitch upwards slightly as I held back a laugh, though thankfully no one noticed.

      "Very well..." Victor grunted. Since I knew this part of her life, I put all my energy into forming a plan for us to escape. "Though before you do," my eyes widen as he glanced towards me. "How about we deal with the traitor? Hm?" I glance to Aluala, I can see her own fear for me as her words repeat in my head... I love you... Dammit! He knows!

     Of course he does you idiot! You have on multiple occasions given up the fact that you love her--

     But he never knew that she returned the feelings... Shit! If he knows that, he'll use me against her. I glance at her and prayed she saw that I was telling her not to allow him to have that power over her. Her face was utterly blank but I saw the emotion behind her stunning green eyes. 

     Please Aluala.... Don't do this! I pleaded within my mind.

     "Unless..." all eyes fell on Victor. The twisted grin he was presenting to myself and his-- Aluala, was one of triumphant. He held all the cards where we held none. "My beloved daughter would trade her life for his."

     "Father..." the Prince's tone was enraged and if it was any other time I would have been laughing my ass off but not now. Not this time.

      "Silent, my son!" Victor stared down Irijah before returning his glaze to Aluala. "It is your choice, my child. Shall you take his place and stay where you belong," he paused while glancing at me with a knowing grin. "Or he shall be burned in the morning. What is you decision, Child?" 

     Aluala, please! Don't do this to yourself! I begged to her through my eyes. Let me die for my sins, my little Alu! I beg of you! Please! 

     You know her choice, Kibbe. Though you also know you will die either way. Whether it is before or after her is all she is choosing.

     I drop my head as these's thoughts rang true. I await her choice and once I heard it I didn't know what to think.

     "I will stay," I hear her say. "But..." I snap my head up and she stared me down without emotion as a twisted smile fell upon her lips. "I want to see him burned in the morning."

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