Stranger in My Bed

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"Who are you?! Don't make me repeat myself!" I bellowed at the man below me. I grabbed the knife from my under my pillow and held it to his neck.

"You always liked playing dirty, Alu," he answered. I was shocked. No one has ever called me Alu but one and he was dead.

"How do you know that?!" I blared rage pouring into my veins. "Were you the one to kill him? Did you kill my Kib?!" I couldn't think straight before I knew it I had thrown him across my room into my closet door. Thankfully it was hard oak wood and not the cheap shit.

"Wait what?" he tried to ask but I was in no mood to listen. I have come to find one of many things that separate me from the common blood drinkers, I was stronger and now I intended on using this advance against this human. I flung him out my opened doorway into the wall as some of the pictures on it began to fall. "Alu, wait! Please liste-"

"Don't call me that! You have no right to call me that! Only one could and he's dead!" I went to punch him in the teeth when he slipped outta sight and came up behind me. He held my arm in a tight lock behind my back.

"Aluala, please give me a chance to tell you who I am," he pleaded. I grunted not wanting to but it was either listen or break my arm free.

"You have 30 seconds," I growled my fangs slowly slipping out, ready to bite him at a moments notice. He sighed.

"You don't remember me but... it's me... Kibbe..." he whispered against my ear.

"No you're not! He's dead! He was killed during my early years of the Night Clan! He died of the disease that should have taken me with him!" I choked up on the memory of the little pale hand being carried away from our home. "I should have died with him..." I breathed. I felt him release my arm then spin me around. His once clear blue eyes now shined black as night but I could still see the shimmer of blue within them. His long-like blonde locks shined brightest than his pale skin. The arcs of his face drawn from perfection it's self. I felt no heat nor heartbeat and knew he was of the Night Clan. He stood 6'4" to my 5'6" and while I had been studying him, he had been doing the same to me. I shy away.

"Alu, please look at me," he whimpered. I turn my eyes to his. He cupped my face gently in his hands making me want fall over from the slight touch. "I am not dead. That was not me they took away, I promise you my little Alu, I'm right here. I never left you here alone..." his blood poured over of what would have been the clear water falling from my own.

"How..." I wept. "How will I know that for sure?" I knew he was telling the truth but I had to be for sure. He smiled softly at me then kissed me tenderly behind my left ear.

"Remember how we said this was how we would know?" He asked lightly. I didn't answer him. I stood shocked-still as more tears than before began to fall. Dropping my knife I pull him into my arms in a tight embrace.

"Kibbe..." I wept. He soothed out my tangled mess of hair.

"Shhh, I'm right here my little Alu. Everything will be okay," he lifted me up in his arms and carried me by to my room. Gingerly he landed me down on my bed, after he tried pulling away but I held onto his arm tightly.

"Don't go... Please stay with me tonight..." I sniffed. He smiled that charming boy grin I had loved growing up seeing. Once he was next to me I curled up in his arms just as I had when we were children. He pulled the covers over us.

"I will stay here with you forever, my little Alu," he promised me as I drifted off to sleep.

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