New Commands & Killing Thoughts

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I smiled at the food Aluala had made from the raw-like bacon to the giant sausage patties and glass of blood. I sniffed it and found it was actual human blood warmed up and not animal. Why did she keep human blood on her?

"Help yourself to whatever!" She blared as she rushed to put on her tennis shoes. "I'll be home about five!" Before I could say a word she was gone out the door. I just smiled before digging into her cooking. Of course it was divine since she had always taken after her mother in everything. Once I was finished I washed off my plate and cleaned up the kitchen for her.

'Hello, Knight Kibbe...' a sickening voice spoke within my mind. I turn and bow even though he wasn't there it was still required to respect his high ranking.

'Prince Irijah, what is it the pleasure to hear from you this fine morning?' I question emotionless. I knew if he felt the slightest emotion I had towards Aluala, he would do horrid things to her once I brought her back.

'How is my beautiful Daywalker doing so far?' He asked with an undertone of something that wanted to make me hit him square in the face. Holding back my own feelings I answer.

'She fairs well, Prince Irijah.'

'Where is she?'

'Working, sir. She walks among the humans as one of them.'

'I see... Well my Father has asked to remind you that you must be back with her by the end of the week.' I struggle to keep my calm.

'What has happened to the three weeks I was granted?' I calmly asked.

'I grow impatience and Father does not like me when I am impatience. I may ask to give you two weeks but no more.' He offered but I knew he had some price for it.

'What is the price of such a giving offer, dear Prince Irijah?' I ask cautiously. I could feel him smirking and knew this was not to be good.

'Oh nothing for now, Knight Kibbe. There will come a time where I will require a favor from you though. I expect you to deliver on such with hast when I come to call. ' I knew it would be the only way for now.'Do we have a deal?' He questioned me. I nodded then verbally responded. 'Good, I will let inform your Lord of your agreement. Good day.' And with that he left my mind, leaving me to think over this new information. Cut back a week... Great...

I scan around the room to find it as it was that night. Shaking my head from the horded memories. Since the sun was up I knew I needed to lay down if not to sleep just to pass the time. Maybe I'll be able to think of ways to earn my little Aluala's trust.

She already trusts you, Kibbe. You just want to know if she loves you. My inner voice snapped. Maybe I was... Was that so wrong? And when she finds out you are just using her to gain your mother back. What then? You really think she will still love you? Are you really that stupid, Kibbe? How could she ever love you?

"Could you leave me alone for once, you dam voice?!"

You let her take in the sun's poison. You nearly got her killed. You left her thinking you were dead. You killed her mother. You plan on lying to her, tricking her, then taking her back to that man whore of a Prince so he can have his way with her before draining every last drop of her blood.

"Shut up..." I whispered.

Hell, he will probably make you watch the whole thing as his favor for the extra week he so graciously gave you.

"I said shut up!" I commanded, my voice rising.

Maybe if you are lucky enough, he will even give you a taste of her powerful, delicious blood before he drains her...

"I SAID SHUT UP!" I blared to no one as I heard some glass break. It seem only the cups had broken from my out burst somehow. After cleaning it up I make my way to her room. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep without something of her's now. Instead of picking a sweatshirt or something, I fell into her bed and covered myself with her blanket. With her scent engulfing me, I was lulled to sleep with bitter-sweet dreams of my little Aluala...

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