Before the Blood

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      'Come on, Kibbe! She is right above us! Just keep playing along!' Twyla mind linked me.

     'Okay, okay! Don't be so rough! It's suppose to look like I'm following you!' Though I didn't see her eyes, I knew she had just rolled them and continued to drag me along like a rag doll. It was horrible having to be a human-like character specially since that is what I was for the moment. I still don't understand how the Lord was able to bind back my vampire nature and turn me human if only to allow Aluala into her house to bring her in. Aluala...

     'What was that Kibbe?' I growl lowly.

     'Do you have to invade my personal thoughts?!'

      'Whatever, just do not let the Lords hear you, Kibbe. I do not want to see another of the Clan burned at sunrise...' How true she was on that. It was only last week that a poor man was left outside for the sun to burn him. What he had done wrong, I didn't know. 'Shut up! She is behind us.' Time to play stupid.

      "Give it up Daywalker, I could smell you a mile away," Twyla stated rudely.

      "Oh really? And here I thought I had enough perfume on to kill though you're still living," Aluala retorted. I stifle a laugh, she was as much as a smartass as she had been during the few years before becoming deathly sick. Twyla laughed as she trailed a single red nail down my neck. It sent goosebumps running through me and not the good kind.

      "And why would I do that? He's the best picking I've ever done," she complemented me as she licked my neck. Gross! She was enjoying herself way too much for my taste. "Can't you smell it? The sweet blood coursing through his veins." She took a deep breathe to prove a point. Rolling my eyes I think how much this was horrible to endure. I think I rather deal with the Lord's punishment than this any day.

     "You know that's how you get STDs, right? I mean really is draining random men you find that important to you?" Now I really had to try not to just drop to the floor and burst out laughing. If she only knew who she was talking about... Twyla's fangs came out in a hiss. How I was missing my fangs right now. "Oh, so scary! But you must remember," Aluala paused as I heard her own slid out. "I have a pair too."

     "Not everyone can be like you, Daywalker! Animal meat cannot fill us like it does you! You think we like doing this?" It was true. I felt disgusting having to drain a human slave just to feel non-ill. The blood tasted good yes but having to kill another felt so wrong.

     "This coming from a vampire I've seen take in three men in one night?"

     'Damn Twyla, that true?' Without a word she screamed at Aluala about having a family which was an utter lie. Everyone knew Twyla as a slut for both vampire and human males alike. She did have a wonderful body but not as Aluala did. Where Aluala was 5'6" curvy, well rounded while still being well built for her size; Twyla was 4'8" slightly curvy but mostly thin that was even sickly for a vampire of her ranking.

      "Oh please just shut up, drop the human, and walk away. This is the only warning and only chance you have of leaving here living," Aluala threaten. Dam she was just as she use to be; gave everyone a chance before dealing with them herself. Twyla screamed no as she dropped me along with slicing open my neck. It hurt like a bitch. I didn't know what happened next because of being human for the time I was losing too much blood to keep awake. I fell into a deep darkness.


      When I awoke, I found myself inside a strange home. Some of my vampire senses were coming back to me. Taking a deep breathe I came to find that it was Aluala and Maria's home. Maria... That night hit me hard once again. Pushing away all thoughts I follow the smell of Aluala to a hard wooden door. It was still before dawn but not by many hours. I opened the door and the sweet smell of honeysuckles and spice was overpowering making it hard to remember what I had came here to do.

      I slowly stalked to the bed to a sleeping Aluala. She seemed so peaceful. I wish I didn't have to do this. I brushed some fallen hair from her eyes. Once I did she pulled me onto the bed and pinned me with rage burning in her eyes.

     "Who are you?"

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