Rebecca... Please...

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I was able to slip from building to building from the alley ways easily. I glanced up at the building that stood before. It was like most buildings down this way were. Apartment complexes with this one being painted a off-shade of baby blue. My eyes travel up to the top of the left corner where I knew Rebecca was. The light was on and someone was at the window as if looking for someone.

I slid deeper into the shadows to avoid being caught so shortly after my job. Moments passed then the figure moved away from the window. Once I knew it was clear, I glided to the middle of the two buildings. I closed my eyes, took a deep breathe then I was a top Rebecca's apartment building. God, you gotta hand it to those vampire skills.

I made my way to the stairs and even in my heels I made no sound. Once I was in the door I saw there was at least two floors of stairs between the last apartments and the roof access.

"This is gonna be fun," I whisper to myself as I climb over the railing. I judged my distance of the drop then stepped over. My hair threw up as I fell steadily. I grabbed onto the railing of Rebecca's floor, stopping my fall. I flip up and over landing on the carpeted floor noiselessly.

I advance with the grace of a predator to her door number. Once there I twist the knob. It wasn't locked. Never a good sign... Slithering through the door into the main room. The lights were off now. What the hell?! I could've swore they were on when I....

It was too late to realize the figure beside me. I was thrown against the wall. Pictures of Rebecca and her family fell to the floor.

"Dammit!" I cried out as a punch came out of the dark. My eyes switched onto their night vision to find it was Rebecca fighting me off. Well, what was left of Rebecca. She was screaming for me to go away; that she refused to drink my blood.

"Rebecca!" I screamed at her. She didn't notice it was me. She kept trying her hardest to knock me out or worst. To her I was the attacker when I was trying to save her. Ironic...

I dodged yet another one of her frantically flying fist. Finally I just grabbed her fist in my hands and squeezed tightly to stop her from do anymore harm to me or herself.

"Rebecca, it's me," I quickly hit the light button with the tip of my heel. She blinked her eyes rapidly trying to adjust to the new light.

"Aluala?" She squinted at me. I whispered under my breathe so in her eyes I looked as if I just came over from work in my nurse's uniform.

"Yes, Rebecca it's me." I could try she was about to ask why I was her and answered her before she could ask. "Doctor Emmett told me you were sick and I wanted to come over and check on you." Her cloudy eyes scanned over my body and gasped.

"Did I do that?" I glanced down to see bruises slowly forming under the ripped leather. Dam....

"No, honey, one of the kids today was a bit rebellious about his medicine and tried to harm one of the little girls. Man, you missed trying to put that boy in time out," I added on a laugh to make it seem true. Luckily, she believed me and laughed at the thought of it.

"Guess I missed a good day of work, huh?" She asked with smile. I nod.

"Now I think you need some sleep, okay?" She nodded then held her head as a pained expression came across her normal soft features. Her eyes though cloudy were still a startling icy blue with her long brown hair a mess framing them. Concern and fear courses through my veins.

"Here," I helped her into bed. "You lay down and I'll go make you my homemade hot strawberry red tea to help you sleep, okay?" She nods with a smile. I make sure she was completely covered so that she would be able to sweat out the vampire toxin bite in her blood.

I make sure she's okay before I head off to the kitchen. In all honest I really hoped she wouldn't be able to taste what was really the 'red' part of my tea. I grab a mug from her cabinets then fine the milk and somehow she had strawberry milk! I pour it into the mug then brought my thumb up to my mouth and bit down hard enough to draw some of my blood. I let it drip into her drink then stirred it in.

"That'll definitely do," I mumble to myself. I reach for it when my phone vibrates. I grab for it and realize it was Kibbe. "Shit!" I whispered. I had completely forgotten about Kibbe. I was really not use to this 'having someone back home' kinda thing. I hit answer and held the phone between my ear and shoulder as I worked on Rebecca's 'tea'.

"Hey Kib."

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"I'm fine but I don't think I'll be home tonight..."

"What? Why not?!" He sounded panicked. Then again who wouldn't be after just finding their long-last childhood friend... Or was it because of something more?

I shake my head and explain to him what had happened. "I need to stay here and take care Rebecca. If I don't help her tonight I won't be able to save her and..." My mind thinks back to little Maryann. "I can't let that happen. Not when I know a special little girl needs her."

He was silent for some time. "Kibbe?" There was no answer. I took the phone out from between my ear and shoulder. I glanced down as I placed the 'tea' in the microwave to warm it up. The call was still going on. Strange... Then there was a slight knock on the window.

I stared at the window with the curtains hiding me from the world out there and the person wanting in. Noise came from my phone. I lift it back up to my ear, my eyes never leaving the window. "Kibbe?"

"Open the window, Aluala. It's just me. I promise," he whispered in my ear. I dropped the phone and rushed to the window throwing it open. In doing this I about threw Kibbe back to the ground, four stories below. I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him inside.

"What the hell, Kib?!" I whisper yell at him. "Why are you here?" He gave me a small smile.

"I don't feel right leaving you alone at night." He shrugged sheepishly. I roll my emblem eyes.

"I've been alone at night before, Kib. I'm a big girl and can handle myself." I state and walk back towards the kitchen to grab Rebecca's drink. I take it to her and make sure she downed all of it. I wish her a good night and promised I'd stay here all night. She smiled at this then fell into a deep sleep. I grab her empty mug and headed back to the kitchen.

"You really like helping people," Kibbe commented leaning against the wall. "Even when you were little you still loved helping people." He smiled at me. I smile back at him then remembered I wasn't really happy with him. He saw my smile drop into a frown and sighed.

"Aluala, I know you can handle yourself but I want to be with you just in case something happens." I blew air at him. His smile just widen.

"Okay Dad, I get it." His nose wriggled at that comment.

"Aluala, I wouldn't do that."

"What I can't make fun of you anymore?" I poked.

"You can..." once again he corner me against the kitchen counter. He trailed his fingers lightly against the thing leather on covering my skin. I trembled from how good it felt. "But it may not end well..." He then captures my lips in his once again.

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