Strange Behavior

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I woke up about nightfall. Rolling out of bed, I glance down at my strange clothing. Purple sweatpants and my T-shirt that hadn't been stain in Twyla's blood. Purple sweatpants? Oh right, Aluala... Shrugging with a smile at the room around that belonged to her as well, Mardi Gras colors with all sorts of pictures. I walk towards the stairs and down to the dining table, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. The door swings open, my eyes shot up to be staring the true beauty that stood before me.

"Hello bellus," I greet her. Oh how I was grateful for the forced Latin lessons in the training of being the Lord's personal guard. "How was your day at work?"

"It went well," her voice trailed off and all I could hear was the silent 'but' at the end. She started upstairs and I followed her silently.


"But what?" I sighed as she turned to me.

"Alu, I know you and with that sentence there was a but in there. Now tell me," I cornered her against the wall as a twisted hungry smile grew on my lips. "Or else." I dipped down to the nape of her neck as she tried for deep breathes. I was beyond pleased I had such affect on her.

"I have a special case to hunt tonight, Kib..." She gasped as I tasted her delectable skin with my lips. I didn't know what I was doing, she was just so... Irresistible... "I need to go..."

"But why?" I questioned as my voice lowered to a seductive level, praying it worked on her. She ranted on about a missing co-worker and I knew it had been a Night Clan to take the person as it always was. She tried to move away from me but I started suckling lightly on the soft hollow of her neck. "Can't it wait till tomorrow?" I whined against her skin. Next thing I knew, she had shoved me away.

"No!" She bellowed. "The person I'm going after won't be able to be human tomorrow and I made a promise to bring her back. What the hell is up with you, Kib?!" I dropped my glaze with her as I realized what had happened. My mind was stuck in a daydream I could never have.

I stumble over my words as I attempt to apologize for my behavior. "I-I just don't want you getting hurt Alu..." I finally admitted.

"You can come with me-"

"No, I can't," I interrupt her. When she asked why I gave her some bullshit excuse that was planted within my system. Only so many knew of my mission and I couldn't have a random follower of the Clan catch me with Aluala. They would either kill me on the spot or see through the small plan I was forming.

She reassured me she would be fine then handed me a phone. I stared at it as she promised she'd text me if she got into any trouble. It was a slight relief but still I was worried.

She does this all the time. Chill out or you'll blow your cover! The damn voice screamed at me. I mentally rolled my eyes then asked about her needing sleep. She smiled, walked into her bedroom and came back out in a complete; black skin tight but movable one piece body suit with all sorts of poisoner weapons to vampire. But dam did it fit her curves to the point I would have taken her as my own if I had the chance.

"Nope, I just need meat," she answered.


"Yep," she bounced downstairs to the kitchen. I followed behind quickly, entering as she pops a few stripes of rarely cooked streak into her mouth. My glaze lingers on her lips before I told her I thought it was a myth.

"Nope, it's true anyways, I gotta get going if you want me back before dawn so we can chat that chat." I had totally spaced about that. I was too distracted by her looks to remember my alibi.

"Oh right... Keep me updated okay?" She nodded then popped the last bit of her stripes into her mouth as she tied her coat about her waist. She turned to me one more time as I fought to not say anymore. A moment later, she was out the door and gone.

My eyes stayed on the door, wishing she would just come back in here and jump into his arms. If he could have her for himself and no one else, he would have. Even if that meant the on slaughter by the Prince of the Night Clan, but he had to think of his mother. They had her and only she was the reason he could not take his Aluala and make her his forever.

I slumped into one of her chairs. "Why must it be this way, Maria? Why had you turn us onto this mess before us?" I called out to the woman I had forwardly murdered right here some odd years ago. "Why Maria?"

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