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Miroku, a bit ahead of Annabelle, has put his golden stick between her and the terrifying scene. "Please, Anna-hime, move away" he protectivly asked, yet, she ignored and insisted on approaching the dreadful trio. Kagura aimed her fan to the western woman, then Naraku held her arm, interrupting any move.

While that mess of endless things happening at the same time was enduring, Kagome shot an arrow into Kanna's mirror and it began to shatter. She had to free all souls kept inside, or it would break into pieces.

What happened after was a succession of events Anna couldn't discern, for in her mind distinguished images from past and present were oscillating. If the monk hadn't pushed her away, she would surely have been swallowed by his Kazaana without even noticing.


"You are forsaking me" Kagewaki's voice echoed inside her dreams once more, torturing her till awakening time. "It is inevitable, Annabelle Rose. You belong to me" and soon Hitomi's usurper's speech would suppress his own, making her burden even heavier to carry.

The morning's clarity made her eyes open at last, she turned to the side, still laying over the straw bed, and saw a harmed Sango nearby. Kagome was taking care of the Demon Slayer wounds while Miroku was putting bondages on Inuyasha's injuries. Still dizzy, Anna sat and held her own head with two hands.

"How are you feeling, Anna?" Kagome asked, showing some concern.

"I'm alright. What did he do to all of you?" She asked anxiously.

"The Kaze no Kizu, Tetsusaiga's attack, was reflected by that yokai's mirror and hit Inuyasha" Miroku told. "Naraku is becoming more powerful each day, now he can give life to these incarnations, all because he has the jewel almost complete in his hands." Before he could say anything about the Miko who helped the Spider to achieve more shards, Inuyasha eyed him, grumpy as ever.

"It was that priestess!" Annabelle said without having to hear from them though. Suddenly a blurred remembrance got clear, when the lass has been at Naraku's castle she saw Kikyo sometimes. "I remember, when Naraku kidnapped me, that woman used to come and deliver him some shards."

"And you're telling this to us just now?!" The hanyo scolded her.

"I..." She looked at everyone of them. Their silence and surprised features were oppressive. "I'm so sorry..." Anna felt like her throat was closing, yet it was necessary to make things clear. "On that occasion, I was still numbed for Ailyn's potion sake, many moments of those days are nothing but blurred images inside my mind, yet I do recall seeing that woman with Naraku, she threw some fragments of that jewel on his feet..."

"Keh!" Inuyasha turned his face and cursed. "I doubt that!" Then he stood up clumsily and stepped out of the hut.

"Inuyasha, wait! You're still recovering" Miroku went after the hanyo.

"Anna, is that true?" Kagome asked, her eyes showing shades of disappointment.

"Why would I lie?" Annabelle sighed. "Now that the subject has been mentioned, this memory came to my mind. I feel awful for forgetting such an important detail!" She slapped her sweating forehead.

"And who can blame you?" Sango rested her back against the wall. "You have been through a lot, like us all."

"Even knowing Kikyo helped Naraku, Inuyasha just can't stop thinking of her..." Kagome breathed in slowly. "I'm sure that he went out that way just to find her, not even caring about being wounded and vulnerable." She spoke in such a sorrowful way that made Annabelle's heart ache.

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