Sailing home

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"Miss Anaberu!" It was Himawari, bringing in hands a net full of fishes inside.

The Scottish lass impulsively lowered the pelt and uncovered her head, then she walked towards the girl and held her tight.

"You don't look well, why did you never send us any news?!" The girl's voice showed a mix of annoyance and concern.

"Himawari, my presence in the village became a great danger to everyone, if something happened to any of you for my sake, I would never forgive myself!" She sunk her face on her friend's shoulder. "But I'm so glad I could see you at least, for one last time!"

"We were all worried, Yoru speaks of you every day!" Himawari softly held Anna's head and raised it so they could resume to look at each other.

"I know, thank you so much! You don't need to feel worried anymore, I'll be alright now." The lass wiped the blue pools and arranged some coppery locks behind.

"Where are you going?" Yoru's sister beheld the ship next to them, the size of that wooden construction dazed the girl, even frightened her.

"Home..." Anna smiled tenderly. At last, the captain called for her, offering a hand from the edge of the ramp. "Please, tell Yoru and Motoko that I will never forget them, and that I love them very much, as I also love you." Her smile grew a bit, seeing the girl's cheeks blush. "I am certain that Yoru will become a powerful priestess one day!" As she spoke, Anna began to walk away from Himawari. The girl, who has come to sell fresh fishes on the fair next to the shore, remained still, staring the foreigner climbing the caravel with an early feeling of missing.

Already on the ship, Annabelle clumsily ran to it's edge and leaned over the frame, waving an arm to Himawari, the girl repeated the gesture from below. Finally, the crew released the ropes tying the caravel to the land and pulled the anchor. Gradually, they started to leave the shore and got into open sea.

On the bow, trying to distract from her sorrows while feeling the fresh ocean scent, she heard some conversations between the men. Since Anna lived in the kingdom of Spain with her family for a time, she was fluent in Spanish and could recognize that those sailors' tongue was a bit similar. They were talking about places where the ship would need to stop by, then they mentioned the oceanic fury and shared words about legends, all conversations very familiar to Annabelle. She only felt nauseous on that occasion because of her condition, if she was in her usual health the waving sea wouldn't trouble her at all.

It was the first time in quite a while that the lass didn't travel disguised as a man, which made her wonder what Naraku has done to make those sailors treat her with such respect, because ships' crew usually believes that a woman's presence brings bad luck on the open sea.

The captain took Anna to the cabin where she would rest. From outside, it was already possible to note how spacious the place should be, although they couldn't see inside, for red curtains made of velvet were covering all windows.

They're from kingdom of Portugal. Finally, Anna concluded the nationality of her journey's companions while swirling the golden handle of the door carved in noble wood. The captain left, respecting her privacy. So, the lass got in the chamber barely illuminated by some candles, dark even in the daylight. Someone was sitting on an elegant chair on it's back to the entrance. Even in such a dim light, the long raven curls, loosened and spread by every sides were unmistakable.

Web of Lies (Naraku, OC, Kagewaki Hitomi)Where stories live. Discover now