Into her mind

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I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did when writing every scene. :3

Have a nice reading!


Annabelle's body was contorting while her fingers entangled in her orange locks, squeezing the head.

"Lord Sesshomaru, what's happening?!" Rin asked in despair. "Miss Anaberu, what's wrong?" She lifted one arm to touch the foreigner's shoulder.

"Please, don't come any closer!" The anguished woman shouted.

A choir of voices has returned to resound their endless chants inside her mind, mixed up with Naraku's voice, so many words twirled within her without rest. Although she couldn't fully understand the sounds, her core was being taken by awful sensations. A resentment older than she was pulsing into her very soul, making her feel all the hate and grief of countless creatures locked into an endless war, as if they were her own self.

Annabelle gasped, her hand pressing her chest, eyes rolled while her aura shone bright, the whiteness fighting to keep the Shikon's shard pure.


How can an absurd power such as this reside into such a fragile receptacle? Naraku was admiring through Kanna's mirror the scene of Anna's reluctant trembling body, laid upon Ah-Un's back.

"She's burning!" Rin touched her friend's forehead and got terrified.

"How inconvenient moment to this woman get sick!" Jaken complained like he was irritated, but it was clear in his gaze how worried he was about the lass' state.

Sesshomaru knew a mountain where they could find herbs which would help into Annabelle's healing. However, it wouldn't be a fast travel and touching the human's neck, the daiyokai noticed that what she had was something far beyond of a common fever.

"She is fighting against the shard" He realized, remembering the night when Belle was scratching her own chest. It is in here. Sesshomaru opened her kimono's collar a bit, pointing his index finger's claw to that feverish skin, ready to do a little cut and set her free of that cursed piece of glass.

"Lord Sesshomaru, look!" His little frightened green vassal lifted his hand showing a dark cloud approaching, covering the stars, monstrous growls were echoing loudly from there.

The owner of the western lands drew Tokijin and aimed it to the many centipede yokai descending from the clouds. First, he gazed his followers. Rin was holding Annabelle and Jaken was squeezing his wooden stick. At last, Sesshomaru turned to that amount of colored beasts and vanished them with one single blow.

"There is more!" Rin pointed behind. "And there!" Then pointed for one side. "And there!" and pointed for the other side.

"We are surrounded!" Jaken was pretty much scared, he raised his stick and made the wooden old man face spit fire into Naraku's troup direction, even if it was only to make some of them to move away.


I wonder how long your new friends will be able to resist my yokai horde... And at last the hanyo's voice suppressed the others, intoning the triumph solo inside Annabelle's mind. If something bad comes to happen to them, you will be the one to blame.

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