Uncertain feelings

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"I knew I would find you here..." Annabelle saw the lad standing on his back, silent as a tomb. She fastly walked towards him, approaching one hand of his shoulder. "Kagewaki, I know it is you." As soon as she touched him, his local garment and skin dissolved, then the effect gradually spread all over his body till every part of the demised young master vanish into dust. Annabelle screamed in terror, holding her pale cheeks in hands.

"Nothing, that's what Naraku made of me when he stole my appearance. Into nothing." His voice echoed in the void. "And you, aware of that, still gave into his charms, you have allowed him to touch you! You laid with him!" He accused her, disgust revolving in those words.

"Kagewaki, this isn't you" she said convictly.

"It happens that this is all what has left of me, Anaberu. Or did you think I would have been at peace after everything I have been through?"

"You are not this bitter person, this is my imagination!" She insisted.

"Do not dare to treat me like a mirage! How could you fall in love with my murderer?" And his voice sounded heavier and louder, echoing from every direction, cornering her. "You were supposed to be mine" his growls trembled though, his human essence was weeping.

"So is that how you see me, as a possession of yours?" Saliva went down her throat in harshness. Anna felt like someone was crushing her heart, making it spill every drop of blood it had inside. With that red cascade within her core, pictures of her gentle beloved has descended. How she missed him still. But that Hitomi who was speaking such things wasn't that man, it couldn't be. Then she remembered when Naraku questioned about how many time the two sweethearts had spent together, and what seemed to be a lifetime, in fact was least than a year. "Did I ever really know you, my lord?" She asked in a low timbre.

"Forgive me for not being the perfect man you have idealized... I was just a human being who fought to keep it's strength for you until the end, but I cannot simply feel resigned about someone who had stollen my life, my youth, now is longing to steal me once more, he wants to take my fair bride from me..." A cold breeze caressed the Scottish lass' face.

"I'm so sorry, my lord..." Feelings of grief, guilt and anger were twisting her inside. Her eyes closed for a while, her cheek got shivered with his cold spectral touch. Yet, her instincts could tell that this was him in some way. "We are both human and we're not good on keeping control of our lives at all. I did not choose any of this" Belle restrained the teardrops on the edge of her eyelashes as long as she could.

"You may lie to yourself, it's easier this way." That soft cool blow wiped one of her tears away. "Everything in this life is a matter of choice, and if I had chosen to listen to you, maybe today we would be sharing a bed. I would have been the first to touch you, to love you..." He sighed. "But Naraku was smarter, wasn't he? Even your dearest memory with me it was him in my place. I chose to trust Naraku, and I lost you to him".

"Stop it!" It was too much for her to take, so Anna lost her composure.

"You see, I think not everything he has told me was a lie though. In some point he was right about you, Anaberu" Hitomi didn't seem to care about her pleading.

"No, it isn't you, it's that damn jewel shard!" She yelled interrupting his speech, trying to convince herself.

"You are a very attractive woman" he persisted on speaking nevertheless. "Your peculiarity is mesmerizing, I could not resist you... yet, such peculiarity makes you dangerous. You have attracted the evil when you got that creature's attention that day, in the forest, when you healed my leg."

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