Love to Hate

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The name of this chapter is a tribute to Tarja Turunen's song with the same name. I really recommend this song, is beautiful and I think it translates very well the troubling feelings described during the chapter. :)

Hope you'll enjoy the ride!


Facing the wall, Naraku was sitting, his dark curls were spread over his shoulders and chest while he insistently blew a katana against his back. The movements would repeat themselves untiringly, for each time the blade cut the spider mark off, it would emerge intact again on his skin, as if it never has left it's spot. The more that scar reappeared on his flesh, more the hanyo would pierce the sword against it's shapes, each time more furiously than before.

"I didn't know you enjoyed self-flagellation" a female voice sounded from the door.

"Kikyo?!" Naraku stopped as soon as he heard her, not expecting the priestess would appear so early. "What are you doing in here?"

"I came to bring you the shards I have found, as always" she spoke naturally, and then sat next to him.

"Deliver them and leave." He ordered anxiously. However, the priestess just remained there, staring at him, without throwing a single piece of gemstone on the floor. Dark eyes analyzed his every feature.

"I know what you have done" she spoke, making him feel his spirit opened, unbarred, although he didn't have a clue of what she was suggesting. "It has been noble of you, Naraku, to let her go" then the miko clarified.

"What are you talking about?" Into his depths he felt an icy cold freezing his core, yet he maintained the misunderstanding façade.

"You must be very fond of that woman, do you not? It seems that I was mistaken when I thought she was only a tool you were using to try to forget me" she smiled. "It seems that you finally discovered how true love is like."

Naraku's eyes expanded wildly, as if they would jump from their orbits. In a single move, he threw himself over the maiden carved in clay, his two hands were a few inches of her fragile neck, almost touching it's paleness. Kikyo didn't blink, there was not a trace of fear on her semblance. Her arms and legs laid immobile over the floor. Her eyes were stuck like severe judges on the tormented half-demon covering her body.

"If I love someone who isn't you, what is preventing me to rip your head off at this very moment?" He asked, showing a maniac grin, his fingers rubbing against her milky skin, still not daring to squeeze it.

"You may have feelings for another woman, yet while Onigumo's heart still beats inside your chest, you will not be free of me." She assigned in seriousness. Those hands so near from her throat trembled, pondering if they should just smash her bones or caress her contours.

Damned be you! Another impulse grew inside of him while having his body so close to hers, as if he could find some solace with that cold argil sculpture. Disgusted by his own thoughts, even by himself, the hanyo removed his weight over her forms and resumed to sit where he once was. Kikyo calmly got up and threw in front of him the shards she had collected.

"Abandoning her was the most righteous thing you have ever done" she said, cleaning the dust of her clothes. "Being at your side would be a death sentence to her." While talking, the priestess walked towards the door. "Without you, that woman has a chance to have a decent life" after such words, Kikyo was gone.

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