Naraku's plan

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Hey, everyone! It's been a while... Sorry for coming so late, but I'll try to publish the rest as soon as I can.
I still don't get why some chapters are duplicated only the published version of the fic, sorry for this inconvenience. Think I'll have to solve it (to try at least) on my notebook, I'll take a look when have the time, till then, if you see chapters with equal names on the list, please skip one because they're the same, sorry again.

Well, hope you'll be thrilled about the next events. ;)


Annabelle continued to flounce, screaming Naraku's name while shaking her legs, her arms were grasped by a mysterious being from her back. The woman's soul felt incandescent, just like her throbbing chest. The pain, the desperation were so deep that she couldn't even think on bursting her aura again. Annabelle didn't believe she would know a worse sensation in life. So many beloved people she had already lost, shouldn't she feel used to it by then? Oh, but with him everything always felt intenser...

"Stop it, woman!" Byakuya's voice reverberated, revealing who was the one who kept restraining her. "You are making me waste my time, I have more important things to attend! Didn't I tell you to not cause troubles, have you forgotten already?!"

At last Anna's joints gradually ceased to struggle, yet her sobs sounded loud, suffocating. The yokai released the lass and she fell sitting on the earth. A pounding into her belly made the foreigner lay, shrinking on the soil, covering her frail constitution with the white baboon fur.

"You must leave this place at once, before they find it out!" Fixed on her belly hidden by trembling arms and baboon's fur, he ran one hand over his forehead which was cracking just like Naraku's complexion, then he looked around as if searching for something. "Ah, there it is!" After a relieved sigh, Byakuya said: "Right on time."

The Scottish lass heard a noise coming near. Raising her head, she figured a fancy, big chariot ahead. However, Anna had no time to admire the details, for Byakuya soon pulled her by the arm, covered her with the milky Naraku's pelt and dragged her to the vehicle the faster he could.

"Go on, lady! Get in!" The yokai threw Anna inside, sitting over the upholstered seat.

"No!" Feeble, panting, the lass shoved her body against the door already closed, then she felt the swing and noticed the carriage has began to move, and was quite fast. She put her face out from the window and saw Byakuya standing on his feet while gazing at her in seriousness, and maybe even with... pity?

"You're not intending to jump, are you?" A voice, very well known by Annabelle, made the sky-blue eyes grow wide. The lass immediately turned her attention to the vehicle's interior.

She didn't even realize before that there was another person inside such luxury carriage, sitting right in front of her, covered by a beautiful cloak with cherry blossom flowers embroidered all over the soft fabric.

"Kagura?" Annabelle whispered, startled.

The person unveiled her face, unraveling the vermilion gaze and the usual smirk.

"Surprised on seeing me?"

Although feeling devastated, and with tears still cascading down her cheeks, Anna smiled in relief and just jumped over the Wind Sorceress, holding the yokai tightly.

"Hey, easy now! You're going to break me in half this way!" Blushing, Kagura touched Annabelle's shoulders and tried to move her away a bit.

Web of Lies (Naraku, OC, Kagewaki Hitomi)Where stories live. Discover now