Fraternal Love

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Kill her. Naraku's voice, mixed with a choir of others within Annabelle's head, resounded countless times while she was taking one step after another...

and another...


"Worry not, I'll take care of that!" The little girl of yellowish curls promised while contemplating a bit of blood pouring from her sister's knee. "Oh, Belle, you always cry for everything! I'm just cleaning your wound, it's not even so ugly like that!" She said playfully as she was rubbing a wet piece of fabric upon the wounded skin of the other weeping kid sitting upon a tree root. "Right, it's done!" She gave a soft kiss on that cleaned bruise and then friendly smiled.


Inside the opaque blueness orbs of Naraku's doll, the horror of the woman arrested by roots was reflecting while seeing her red-haired equal proceeding on her parade.


Hand in hand they used to swirl, playing around the golden autumn meadow. At night, even if the two had their respective rooms, they would always choose to share the same bed. They enjoyed to tell horror stories before sleeping time, and would end up frightened with every shadow on the stone walls, caused by candles' light.


Annabelle knelt before Ailyn, her hands dipped into the sand while her gaze was deeply focused on that cornered, terrified victim.


"Belle, how did you do that? You brought that bird back to life!" The little girl said as she was holding the other's hands. Her anxiety was so big that she couldn't even wait her sister getting better for ask her to do that again.

"I don't know, Lynnie..." She rolled her eyes bellow, unsure and a bit shy.

"Come on, you must show me!"


"Belle, take a look! Papa is talking with that woman again... It looks like they are old friends." The yellow-haired girl whispered naughtily in her sister's ear as they were walking through a fair in the center of a town much bigger than their own.

There were tents of different colors, with people selling things around the square. In front of such turmoil, a magnanimous gothic cathedral was the view.

"I just wish we could come back to our home..." Anna unburdened. "I miss our homeland..." She ceased her steps in front of the huge stony stairs, looking at the gargoyles carved upon the balconies.

"But you know our papa has a better future in here, Belle! Merchants earn much more gold selling their artifacts on bigger cities... You know, just look on the bright side, maybe we'll stop travelling a bit if he finds a woman to marry..." She giggled while watching their father having his hand read by an unknown woman with hazel hair and emerald green eyes.

"It's funny, she doesn't look strange to me, still I don't like her..." The ginger child has confessed, staring at the dazzling creature who was attracting her progenitor's attention.

"Oh, you are jealous! We cannot want papa only for ourselves forever. She seems to be funny, unlike all those boring people too... Catholic." Ailyn sighed in boredom.

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