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Naraku was resting his back on a wall, on one corner of his vast, dark room. His blood red eyes were fixated on nothing, without blinking, his fingers were stretching and constricting as he was testing their functionality. Silence has been consuming that bedchamber and his very self, his pale semblance remained expressionless as it was carved in cold marble.

After a slow and morbid sigh, the hanyo rose up and left his accomodations in calm steps, just to visit another place, another person's room. He stopped at the ajar door and focused his indifferent sight on a golden object left in the middle of the chamber, as to remind him of someone who once slept in there. The black eyelashes slowly entwined, then they separated and the scarlet globes stood opaque, glaring at the harp shinning in the darkness.

I will kill Kikyo first, then I shall decide what to do about you, Annabelle Rose. He thought, while closing the door, walking away from that memory.

"Master..." a childish voice called him from the corridor. Naraku gazed at it's owner with one red eye over his own shoulder. The kid was respectfully kneeling. "I'm just waiting for your orders".

"There is no need to rush" The first trace of expression formed in his lips, curving into a wicked grin "Kohaku".


The eburnum lumen was emerging from Annabelle's contours and spreading around the forest while she stood walking the path which would lead her to what might be a new Naraku's incarnation. As much as her reason kept warning her to stay away, the lass couldn't help but to follow the trail.

After going down a ravine, at last she noticed a peculiar man marching in her direction. Her clear aura faded a bit. He seemed to be quite an ordinary man, his clothes even looked funny, not matching his muscular shapes. The stranger was wearing a checkered cloth tied above one of his shoulders as a dress, over his head there was a chip hat, the wooden sandals definitely didn't fit his feet.

He must have stollen everything. Anna thought, studying the guy from afar.

"Hey!" The man ceased his steps and gazed at the creature ahead him with his curious green eyes, trying to see what was hidden underneath the white cape "You're so shinny! What do you have in this bag?" He smirked, ambition designed in his every features while the man stared at the volume Annabelle was carrying on her back.

"Nothing special, just my clothes" she answered calmly.

He hummed, then sighed when realizing the gender of the person who was in front of him. "Damn, they won't fit me..." The guy scratched his chin. "I could sell them though!" Then his dark green eyes shone and, enthusiastic with such idea, the stranger came closer fearlessly. "Hey, woman, let me see your face. Could it be as beautiful as your voice?" and he chuckled briefly, his gaze notoriously darkened with lust.

He did steal the clothes. Anna concluded while rolling her eyes, not a bit intimidated with his manners. "I am looking for a faceless man who killed a monk, do you know something about it?" She suspected of him, yet the man before her had two eyes, a nose and a mouth, so his visage didn't match the description the lass has heard from a frightened crying boy a while ago.

"He had a pretty face, it served me well" the man touched his cheeks while showing his gleaming white teeth in a proud smile.

"Who are you?" Anna asked, keeping distant while it was still possible. As he was walking towards her, the lass stepped back.

Web of Lies (Naraku, OC, Kagewaki Hitomi)Where stories live. Discover now