Chapter 60- The Village in The Forest

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It was nearby, some form of civilization.

Her bet was that she had finally found the village.

Considering how far deep into the forest it was, it was a wonder that anyone had ever stumbled across it. There were no paths leading towards this place, no indications of any sorts, signs or otherwise. Why they were so cut from the rest of civilization did pique her curiosity, perhaps there was more to this village than one could first tell.

Kami already had something like this in mind. After all things were a bit sketchy when it came down to it. The fact that little was known and then that everyone seemed to slowly change their story or forget it all together was definitely an indication of something worth looking into.

In order not to cause too much commotion, she decided to make the rest of her way there walking, after all seeing someone fly down into your little forest haven could be alarming to these people, good or bad. At the same time, once she learned of the location for the village, she had unsummoned most of her army as to attract to much attention. There were a few circling the areas perimeter at a safe distance keeping tabs on what was going on.

It was mostly just howls, low growls or other such noises that made no little sense in her head but the intentions resonated with her mind and body. There was an ethereal attachment between herself and every summon she used, even the ones she could not fully understand through verbal means which made communication still possible even when there were no words to exchange.

For a bit her mind drifted back to the summon she had left back with Hiromichi, she could still sense him even from this far away, everything seemed to be fine so far, nothing to report yet it seems.

There was no need to walk too far, she had landed decently far away to not be noticed but close enough to make her appearance known within a few minutes.

Sure enough there was a shout in the distance she made out.

"Outsider, fast approaching!"

Her first instinct was that it was probably a lookout. Seeing the village closer though that seemed odd. The village was not particularly fortified, no walls or barriers stopping anything or anyone from going in or out. No lookout towers or signs of guards posted on any easily accessible way inside. No, the village, now on closer inspection a small town, was mostly left exposed.

She stopped for a split second to take a closer look. It was down the hill so she could see over it clearly. Most of the buildings were aligned next to a waterfall. They spread out like vines across the center of the large pool of water. Even from this distance she could tell it was a bit out of place.

It could be her lack of knowledge but from the two prior locations she had visited this place had a slightly different feel. She had expected something similar to Itsu Village but this place felt a bit quainter and cozier. If she had to describe it as simply as possible without much context it would be something like-

"Zen." she mumbled raising an eyebrow.

It definitely had a spiritual feeling, kind of allotting to the people who returned from this place only to call it calm and peaceful. She did not expect much hostility if the stories that remained consistent were to be believed.

She made her way closer and eventually found herself standing outside the town's line. Kami only made a point to stop because there were a number of people who were standing before her blocking her way forward.

'That's strange, definitely creepy.'

They had noticed her approaching with that earlier shout but did half the town have to come and watch as she got closer and closer while standing there without making a sound or movement?

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