Chapter 2: Tired

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"Oh this kind of bad.."

i said to myself i look at their place, it was terrible ,Old pizzas are everywhere even boxes of it, and they even clean this place like ever?

Mr. Rat guy or Splinter Tasked me to do chores around here, since they will help me to get home in return i will do chores for them.

"I mean it's not a bad deal..i guess" i talked to myself while i clean the place wanting it to be spotless in every bits of it.
While they're off fighting and saving the world; Now i'm here saving this place from Piles of Trash.

I continued cleaning in every room excepts donnie's, as he ordered me not to touch anything there, im glad he doesn't want me to  because  i am tired.


"Whew! That's alot of work"
I layed on the couch having to finally relax
The best feeling after all that.
"Hey Y/N!" Mikey Suddenly pop up behind me scaring the crap out of me,
"AAAH- MIKEY! You scared the hell out of me" he then sat down next to me.

"Sorry about that" he apologize while scratching the back of his head "Soooooo y/n, i wanna get to know you more So you know i get comfortable and you get comfortable." mikey said scooting a little bit closer to me.

"I mean yeah there's nothing harmful about it, ask whatever you wanna know about me" i smiled brightly making his eyes sparkles.

"Okay okay! Um, i do wanna know if you like pizzas? What about arts and crafts? Im very interested in that! Do you play video games-" He started asking more and more questions that i can't answer too quickly.

"Woahh calm down, Hmmm lets see. Yes i do love pizzas and I do like arts and crafts too especially that's my main thing and i do play video games" He then starts to smile so Brightly after i answered his questions, what a cutie but romance isn't my top priority right now...i mean i guess so
But Maybe i might like others too?

"We have alot of things in common! I would really wanna hang out with you" He then hugged me tightly "Of course we can, just ask me whenever" i said hugging him back.
"So when do you wanna hang out, just the two of us?" I ask "Well we can do it tod-" Mikey was interrupted.

"Ahem." We got interrupted by April and others,they're back already. "You're getting a little touchy there huh little brother" Leo said smiling abit.

"Oh sorry about that, you guys are very protective around your little brother" i apologize,not wanting to cause any trouble. "Gurl why are you apologizing? Mikey here should apologize for being so clingy."April said crossing her arms.

"So what if i hug her, She's the most hugable person evahh" Mikey said squeezing me even more
"I mean for someone who you just met yesterday seemed abit too quick to be clingy with her." Donnie replied

"Guys it's only a hug, a friendship hug its a good way to start for being friends you know? it's not like it's a start for romance" I added not wanting them to think any further.

"Yeah Right. No Romance will happen." Donnie said glaring at Mikey, Mikey noticed then let go off me.

"I mean not yet..." Mikey mumbled Having a grin on his face "See you guys on the flip side!" then left using his skateboard, i didn't quite hear it so i shrugged it off.

"Hey! I heard that mikey!" Raph yelled then starts chasing mikey,leo and april followed them also.

It's just me and donnie again.
wow how exciting.

I sighed feeling so tired with all i've been doing all day, He then sat next to me "Has been a very tiring day for you huh?" He started "Yeah it is, can't believe you guys don't clean ya'll place so often" i chuckled.

"It's my brother's fault, they don't clean and they're lazy to do so" he rolled his eyes while focusing on his gadgets again.
"So you're lazy also? cause it doesn't look like you clean in here" i smirked leaning towards him.

"No im not! I'm just busy with stuff." he then stormed off to his room.
Did i offend that guy? did i say something wrong.

Ugh..whatever it's not like it would bother me much...
I left the lair and went on the top of the building where they  would hang out. And me wanting to be alone and have my own time, And enjoying the pizza i got from the kitchen. It was freshly made by mikey i think.

It was delicious, As i watch the city All i could do is stand there and think what i did or what i just said to donnie that made him stormed off like that.

"I should  apologize to Donnie, he probably got frustrated or something" I said to myself while biting a big chunk of pizza.

"Something has been bothering you?" Leo suddenly pops up.

"Huh? Oh..It's you Leo, i mean nothing is wrong" i smiled nervously but Leo is giving the suspicious looks
"I'm not very sure of that sweetheart" Leo stands really close to me taking a bite of the pizza.
"Most People would spend their time alone when there's something up And you're doing it right now" he then looks directly into me.

"Wow you  got me, I just felt I made donnie upset earlier. All i just said is he's lazy jokingly" i explained and this made Leo chuckled.
"Pfft- Oh Brother- he's not entirely like that, mostly he would ignore it but from what you said he did something different "

"BUT don't let that bother you,i know he's not upset m'kay? You don't have to worry" He smiled at me making my heart starts to beat quite fast.

what a weird heart wouldn't beat this fast to any guy. WHAT THE HELL
leo is just a friend.

My thoughts are into shambles, panicking inside but i took a deep breath and calmed myself down.
I then looked at him Directly in his eyes "'re right i shouldn't be worried about it, but thanks Leo i felt even more relieved." i said giving him a sweet smile.

Leo then hold both of my shoulders making me face him, pushing me away a little away from him, as i noticed a tint blush on his cheeks. He can't even face me.
"Umm.. Leo?"

"UHHH- How about this! join us! We're going to eat pizza in our favourite restaurant and it's pizza week!" He said letting me go afterwards.

"Hanging out with friends would help you get your head off with your Problems" he added

I already ate some pizzas but i guess hanging out with them seems nice.

"Sure! I would love to hang with you guys, plus i could finally get to know each of you more." agreeing with Leo we then start to call others to eat in that favourite restaurant of theirs.

Maybe i'll love to stay here more.

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