Chapter 8: Discussion

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I yelled, Everything was so sudden i don't know how to react.
"You did say you will do anything to save your friends, Isn't that right Darling~" Carl Said

"Anything but not with you Carl. You have gone mad." i scoffed
This made Carl feel Anger but cooled himself down trying to fight the urge to hit me, as having a tight grip from his fist.
Yeah try me bitch.
I thought but I'm now hoping My friends would save me around this time. Even after i ditched them i am still hoping they're going to rescue us.

"Are you thinking of your turtly boos right now? No one can ever save you Dearie, Especially they don't know where you are." Big mama said while smiling so devilishly

"Why does Carl wanted to marry me anyway, We just went in a first date and now he's crazy" I started glaring at them but something tells me they wanted something from me.
"I'll explain the situation to you very clearly~" Carl said, he then pulled out a photo out of his pocket showing it to me.
Big mama left the room in silent, letting Carl take the moment.
"Take good care of her My Sugarpoo~" Big mama said after leaving.
Carl then nodded.

As i looked at the picture, It was a little girl Who looked like she's been kept in a dungeon and she looks so beat up..

"Why are you showing me this.. who even is this?" I started questioning him
But this made Carl laughed even more while touching his own stomach from it.
"What's so funny!" I shouted at him but he continued laughing, Filling the room with his laughter.

"Oh my! How can you not recognize yourself."
My heart suddenly drops after hearing that, This is something related to the photo i saw earlier at Donnie's..
"No! This is just a whole other world! i can't never been here before!" I kept yelling because everything is so untrue.

"Shhh..No worries i'll explain it well." Carl said putting his index finger on my lips.

"You're Draxum's biggest experiment Y/n, Draxum created you to make mutants and Bring them back in their original form at the same time" Carl then walked around me continuing his explanation.

"You're powerful, And you know what so funny? you don't remember a thing about who you are or where you came from."
Carl then smiled so Brightly making it a little too creepy.

"But what i don't know is How you went missing in the first place...i was heart broken.."
He then acted sad being so sarcastic.

Heart broken?.. i knew carl before?
What the heck is happening!?
"this place is not real or even you! This is probably some illusion!" I said back at him but this made carl furious.

"EVEN ME!? HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR LOVER!" Then he slapped me making me fall with the chair i'm sitting on, his slap was so hard my nose is bleeding.
"Know your place Y/n.." he glared at me but he suddenly changed his mood into a sunny boy.
"BUT any who my baby~ i wanted to marry you because,

Firstly, I love you!

Second, I promised to marry you...

And Third, i wanna use you!"
He said being so cheery after saying He's gonna use me.

"Use me for what now.." i said weakly, blood still dripping from my nose.
Trying to ignore what he "promised" to me when i don't even know him before.

"To mutate people, The more mutants The more yokais will watch! And more sales!
Wouldn't that be fun!? Our business will be Booming!" Carl then swirl around the room, he looks like a free bird.

What a crazy bitch.

"You don't understand Carl..I don't have any powers!" I said trying to defend my side
"Well..i mean not now, you've lost your memory. You have alot of things to process and to investigate" Carl said in his serious tone.
"And while you're here why not discover it ourselves?"

Carl then called out the ghouls to bring someone again.
"Draxum!" I shouted, even though he's a bad guy before But he's changed after all that.
And i'm pretty close with him with those 2 months of being here in this crazy world..

"Oh?~ looks like you're genuinely worried for him,Now isn't that nice For someone who abused you." Carl said while bringing back Draxum's consciousness
"Y/n..?" Draxum said slowly waking up but his eyes are wide open after seeing me bleeding and captured.
he then turned to Carl trying to use his powers but it was no use. Big mama put Draxum into a deep sleep which made His power weak for now. And will regain it For quite while

"What do you want Carl." Draxum glaring at Carl but Carl just started giggling.
"THIS is just too good! What a great reunion!" He exclaimed hugging the both of us.

"What i want from you right now to reveal the truth for Y/n, Simple as that."

This made Draxum started sweating He has no choice but to tell the truth.
Clearing his throat, he began to speak.
"Y/n, You're originally here in this world. I Created you, i stole you from your family  and made an experiment on you.
After tons of  fails, I made my biggest creation. And it's you."

"Someone that's powerful to make people mutants but can undo them. You were the biggest gift and yet the biggest failure."


"You failed to Mutate Lou jitsu or to get his full DNA, i was full of rage i abused you. Taking my anger out on you, So i kept you in a dungeon leaving you there for quite some time and did the mutation myself to Lou jitsu and the turtles."

"But unfortunately Lou escaped Burning my whole lab, My whole place.
He Brought his turtles with him,Even stealing you from me! And I-" He said in rage but was suddenly stopped by the alarms from the Hotel.


The Alarm started ringing so loudly Alarming Big mama and Carl, There was an intruder that got in.
And i bet i know who that is.

"The Mad Dogs"

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