Generations (Idkm)

66 1 8

{Fandom: Niche - Genetic Survival}
(Ships: Seil x Prilurkir, Tapri x Aelrmii)


  Seil waded out of the water, grumbling lowly in annoyance. Her dark brown fur was soaking wet, dripping and forming puddles at her paws. God how she hated the water.

  But traveling through the water was the fastest way to travel. On land, you had to worry about grass and bushes and predators. And besides the occasional leech, the water was much safer and easier to travel in. Still, she hated it. Her siblings always mocked Seil for looking like a drowned rat when she got out of the water. And Seil couldn't help but agree with them.

  Gathering some grass, she made a little nest. It would keep her a bit warmer as night approached. Plus, she was going to give birth any day now. Chin resting on the edge of the nest, she watched the other members of her tribe wade and swim by. Soon, she was one of the few left behind. Turning around, she saw the others setting up camp several feet away up stream.

  With another grumble, she laid back down properly. Maybe she should go to sleep early today. It wasn't like she had much to do.

  She glowered down at her belly. Of course, she didn't hate the baby, but it was really unfortunate circumstances. Seil had been attacked by a rogue male. They were vicious males that only cared about mating and that's why they'd been kicked out of their own tribes. Another bad part was that they usually had horrible genetics. Bad vision, messed up legs and paws, hemophilia, and messed up jaws. And the one that attacked her was no different.

  The sound of sticks cracking made Seil look up. Looking over, she braced for a predator or maybe another rogue male. But then, she saw it was another member of her tribe.

  Why had she never seen him before? He idled behind the group, taking his time gathering grasses and berries from the bushes. This male was far too big to be a pup, but then why hasn't she seen him around their island?

  "Hello?" She called. The male looks up quickly and then takes a step back.

  "Hi." He said.

  "Who are you? I have never seen you before." Seil said.

  "Um... My name is Prilurkir. And I was left behind because of my sickness. No one else wants to get sick." Prilurkir said.

  "Huh... Well, why don't you come over here? We could both be exiled together." Seil said.

  "O-Oh no, I couldn't possibly. You'd get sick! Plus, I can tell your pregnant and I wouldn't want to hurt either of you." Prilurkir says.

  "I am not afraid of some little sickness. Get over here, scaredy cat." Seil said. He swims up to her little island and settles down.

  It turns out that the reason she didn't know him was because he was abandoned as a pup. When they learned he had the sickness mutation, his parents abandoned him to not get sick themselves. Prilurkir lived deeper into the grasslands alone to not hurt anyone else, and Seil lived almost exclusively by the coast. That's why they'd never met.

"Hey, why don't you share my nest with me?" Seil offered.

"U-Um..." Pril hesitates.

"It's be warmer for the two of us. Besides, I am not scared of sickness." Seil said. Pril walks over cautiously, like he was scared of breaking the ground.

And then, he laid down cautiously as well. But then eventually, he settles down. She had very fuzzy fur. He never cuddled someone before. This was very new to Pril, but he didn't mind.


  Seil carried her pup in her mouth. She now has two pups. Dukta was born from the rogue male who attacked her, and Tapri was Prilurkir's baby. And little Dukta had a lot of issues.

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