I am so cold pt.2

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{Fandom: Editor Wilbur ARG}
(Ships: None)

DID, suicide, panic attacks, death, threats, vague storylines

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

"Don't know what that light is over there..." Wilbur muttered. His voice sounded gross and nasally, either from crying or maybe he was catching a cold. "I think I am in Handcross... just north of where I was before."

  Wilbur wiped his eyes and nose, knowing that he must look like a pathetic mess. Luckily, he couldn't see himself on camera because it was far too dark. The path off to his side was the only light other than that odd orange glow from deeper in the woods. His hand trembled as he tried to keep his grip on his phone.

  "Not... entirely sure where I am, but I thought I would make this video just to say that I am fine. I am all here, all in one piece. I uh... I don't plan on losing any pieces anytime soon." Wilbur said, his attempt at a joke must be as pitiful as he was right now. More tears gathered in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. "Uh... I just- I want to make the point that this is getting far too deep, too convoluted. I just- I need you to figure this out before Kai does. I mean, I am trying my best to tell you, but I can't just come out and say it, no... no I can't..."

  Clearing his eyes again, he tried to breathe and calm down. Looking around, he didn't see anyone else, which was a relief. It was so hard to even think, he couldn't just TELL them what happened, but the community was trying to figure it out and they were getting too deep into their own imaginations. Rumors that he was on the run for murder or that he was an unhinged stalker were circulating. Unhinged? Maybe. A stalker? No.

  "If you're watching this, Mr. Massey Welsh SucksAtLife, I-I need to know that you fired Kai. The minute I know you fired Kai, I can- we can all go back to our lives!" Wilbur said desperately. His eyes hurt from crying and he was starting to break down again. "I can stop running- I can stop... I think that would help us a lot. I don't even know if I am being chased, I think I am losing my mind! It's not- oh shit..."

  He could see someone on the path, heading in his direction. Wilbur ran off into the woods, too panicked by the idea of being spotted to even question who that was. It was so cold.

  Looking down at his phone, he scrambled to stop the recording and then kept running. He didn't know what was happening, he couldn't trust anyone. Not even himself! Weird videos would be in his camera roll, and he'd wake up in weird places and situations, and it felt like he was possessed or insane or something. But he wasn't crazy, right? Crazy people couldn't admit the fact that they are crazy!

  And yes, Wilbur had been diagnosed with severe paranoia a few years ago and has since been forced to stop taking his medication since he was on the run but... oh fuck. That's what was happening right now, wasn't it? He stopped running, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.

  'It's all in your head, it's all in your head.' He thought, looking all around him. It was so dark.


  "I am so cold... I am so cold... I am so cold..." Wilbur muttered exhaustively. He hadn't slept in so long, and now he was sitting on a park bench, convinced tonight was the night he'd freeze to death. "I am so cold... I am so cold... I am so cold... I am so cold... I am so cold... I am so cold... I am so cold... I am so cold..."

  "Uh... Issac, right?" A voice asked. Wilbur looked up at the man, staring blankly at him for several seconds, feeling more and more out of place in his own skin.

  And then, Issac reached into his pocket and put on his glasses, the other hand moving to stop the recording. "Yeah, and you are Phil, correct?"

  "I am. Did you follow me here all the way?" Phil asked, looking very weirded out.

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