Roulette (Angst and Fluff)

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{Fandom: DSMP}
(Ships: Quackity x Wilbur)

Guess who has suddenly gotten addicted to the TNT Duo? Lmao, I have so many ideas for more fanfics of these two.

Implied abuse, suicide, substance abuse

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Wilbur walked along the Prime Path, just quietly thinking. It wasn't often that he got time to just think with everything going on. Things had been so chaotic with all the debates and campaigning.

It wasn't too long ago, a day ago, that Wilbur had his one on one chat with Quackity about why he has done the things he has as president. The conversation still played in his head on repeat. Quackity was an idealist, he had no idea what it took to be a leader, especially in a war. But even still, he hadn't met to metaphorically let his guts spill to him.

"When I came here, I wanted to join L'manberg but was told I couldn't because I wasn't allowed to join. And to me... that was a lack of belonging. And if I need to become president and tear down some walls so that no one feels unwelcome again? Then so be it." Quackity said. "I do believe everyone is good and everyone has something to contribute to the nation."

"Your aspirations of optimism are not going to be subject to my nation's security I am afraid," Wilbur said. "I completely disagree with everything you have said."

"I mean, agree to disagree, but that's not what I am talking about-"

"You say 'everyone has a good side' and you're right! But that good side is only out to help themselves. And if you really want to help people then you need power." Wilbur said. "You can make a movement, you can make a resistance, you can go away and come back to a ticker-tape parade in the streets! In the streets, they will cheer for you, but you will accomplish nothing. If you have a revolution, you will sacrifice everything and everyone will hate you. You'll lose everything you had, but when you come back, everything has changed. If you want to CHANGE things? You need power. And that's what you want, isn't it, Quackity?"


"Power isn't gained from diplomacy and bureaucracy, and a giant courthouse suspended in the sky, blah blah blah. It's gained from swords. It's gained from blades, steel, and iron. Even if everyone has this good side you're talking about, anyone who wants to prove it has to show their dark side first." Wilbur ranted. "You are going to have to kill, torture, maim. When I look at you as a fellow outsider, I know you aren't ready for that." Wilbur said. "That, Quackity, is the difference between you and me. I am leaving."

With a sigh, he crossed his arms. He might have let a little bit too much slip there. Everyone and their mother had an opinion on him, his actions, and the war.

He'd been ridiculed by everyone for his actions in the war, whether they were good or bad. It was the unfortunate side effect of being a figure in the public eye. No matter what you do, you could save a whole litter of puppies from a burning house, and people will still find something to be mad at you about. Wilbur wasn't a perfect leader by any stretch of the imagination, but he did what he had to for his men to get through the war and to make sure his nation was safe.

It was obvious this would happen, so why was he still so broken up over this? No matter if he had gone full genocide and slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians or if he solved the war completely democratically, he'd still have critiques all yammering about what they thought was best for the nation while never having been to war. Maybe that was the worst part. Spoiled rich kids who've never seen the flames of war telling him that they could've handled being cornered under enemy fire better than he could. Or maybe the worst part was that he had no one to talk to, not really.

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