Revenge is Like Poison (Angst)

28 0 0

{Fandom: DSMP}
(Ships: Wilbur x Quackity)

Implied past abuse, gore, gang shit, substance abuse

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

"You have to promise me something. And it's something quite important, so please listen closely."

"Uh... ok? What is it?"

"If I die or go missing, which is a very real possibility considering our current uh... 'predicament' if you will... I need you to activate this."

"What..? Will, this is- How did you manage this? Is this for-"

"Promise me. Please, I need to know that if something untimely was to happen to me, you won't falter. It is of incredible importance."

"Only if we can't find you? If you do go missing..."

"Only if you can't find me."

"Alright... I'll do it."


Ranboo woke up leaned against his bathroom sink. Completely confused, Ranboo looked into the mirror directly in front of him. He cringed a bit at his roughed-up appearance and smoothed down his hair as he felt around for a hairbrush.

He was rather meticulous with where he put the stuff in his bathroom, so when his hand touched the empty spot where the hairbrush used to sit, he sighed. This was common when he sleepwalked. For some odd reason, he would reorganize things when he sleepwalked. Looking around, he sighed and started putting things back where they needed to be.

The power and water in his house was turned off. He didn't mind it because if he had water on while sleepwalking, who knows what could happen? That did mean that the only light in the house, other than candles and flashlights, was the sun and moon. And streaming in through the window were beautiful beams of golden sunlight. Ranboo had always been a morning person. Flicking their tail tip, they set the last item in its place and hurried to the front door of his house. Briefly, he paused to scowl at the mess in his living room but then tossed open the door to let in the fresh air from outside.

It wasn't often that the air was this clear. Usually, it was smokey or cloudy, the sky was usually obscured by thick sheets of smoke from the frequent fires or the factories that stuck out from the ground all around him like tombstones. And even more rare, birds were fluttering around, peaking at the dirt to scare worms to the surface.

"Hey, guys," Ranboo said affectionately. Looking around, he spotted the birdseed bag he had on his porch. Taking a hand full, he scooted as close to the flock as he dared then tossed the seeds to them. The birds immediately began eating the seeds. "Awww... they are so cute."

Ranboo jumped when his phone rang. "Uh, hello?" He asked as he moved the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Ran. Me and Techno are heading over in a few." Philza said. "We need to plan the uh... y'know?"

"Yeah, ok, ok. I will get ready." Ranboo said. "Tell Techno good morning for me, ok?"

"Morning!" He heard Techno call from the background.

"He heard you," Phil said. "Mkay, we'll see you in a few. Bye, mate."

"Bye, Phil," Ranboo said.

He rolled up the opening on the birdseed bag and hurried inside. If those two were gonna be over, he needed to make sure the place was clean. Ranboo wasn't a neat freak, but he liked things to be organized enough to be easy to find.

Multifandom Madness by Trash PandaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora