Lost Time (fluff and a little angst)

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{Fandom: DSMP}
(Ships: Quackity x Wilbur)

Mentions of homophobia, implied derealization, suicide, repressed sexuality, and mental illness

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

Wilbur sat down next to the lake, staring up at the grand facade of Las Nevadas with a whirlwind of emotions storming just beneath the surface. It had been nearly two weeks since he'd set foot on the sand there and didn't expect himself to miss it so much. The loneliness was one reason.

In the afterlife, his only friend was isolation. Sometimes Mexican Dream would come up to the door and shout through it to keep him company, but he couldn't get the door open from his side either. He had tried so hard to open the door on that train station platform, but nothing worked. The handle didn't work, he couldn't break through it no matter how many times he slammed into it, and he had nothing to pick the lock with. And despite the fact Mexican Dream tried to keep him company, he had to leave sometimes. Usually, it was for a few months at a time, but sometimes he'd leave for a year or more.

After that, Wilbur grew a fear of being alone. He never wanted to be that isolated ever again. And yet here he was! But maybe that wasn't the reason. Maybe he liked the thrill of potentially getting caught somewhere he wasn't supposed to be.

Soon after arriving here, he was banned from entering Las Nevadas. It wasn't strictly enforced until a month ago. Suddenly, Quackity had guards who were very twitchy as if expecting a giant monster to race in and eat them all. But he couldn't even ask Quackity why the security was up! It wasn't like this suddenly enforced ban was what kept him from sneaking in, after all, he liked the thrill of maybe being caught. It made his heart pound, it reminded him he was alive! He felt like a live wire when he was doing something he wasn't supposed to. No, the enforced ban wasn't the reason he couldn't go back. It was this awful bet.

Tommy kept bugging him about how 'stalkerish' he was towards Quackity and accusing him of having feelings for Quackity! And not the feeling of being rivals, but the feeling that they were more. And that was BLATANTLY and PROVABLY false. Hence why Wilbur bet he could avoid seeing the other man indefinitely. The only way it would end is if one of them broke the bet and went to see the other. And he didn't know why the idea of never seeing Quackity again made his heartache.

Maybe he didn't want to continue the bet because of the isolation, or maybe because he missed the thrill of being caught. But if one thing was for sure, he definitely didn't have feelings for the other man. Sure, Quackity made him feel alive and like he had a reason to stay alive. And maybe Wilbur thought that Quackity was fairly attractive and had literally no flaws with his body and he had an irresistible urge to hold Quackity whenever he saw him, but that didn't mean anything. It wasn't weird to think another man was attractive, right? And if anything, that was just an attraction to his looks, not a romantic attraction.

"Wilbur!" Tommy shouted, stumbling down the hill. He tried not to lose his footing, carried by momentum. Then he skidded to a stop. "Big Q said that he is fine with never seeing you again because then you aren't messing with Las Nevadas and its safety."

"Tell him that I would never do anything to hurt his project! I just wanted to be a part of it, man. It's not like I came by with a stick of dynamite, I came with a concerning letter from him. If anything, I should be worried HE will destroy the place." Wilbur ranted. "Go, tell him that!"

"Ugh... I am not your messenger pigeon." Tommy huffed.

"That's what you said the past 18 times and I always respond with the same thing, Toms," Wilbur said affectionately. The kid rolled his eyes and hurried up the hill.

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