Incorrect Quotes (Guess the Fandom Edition)

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I could only think of ones that fit Undertale characters-

Each quote is from a different fandom. If you guess what a fandom is, then I will give you a rainbow chip cookie. :3 (Other desserts like cake are available too, I just chose rainbow chip cookies because gae.)


Dust: That cop car you stole, where is it?
Killer: Ditched in the lake.
Dust: W H Y??!
Killer: It was a stolen cop car!!


Nightmare: Let me tell you a story, Dream. The story of a man called Theseus. His country, well his city-state technically, was in danger. And he sent himself forward into enemy lines, he SLAYED the Minotaur and saved his city! You know what they did to him, Dream? They exiled him. He died in disgrace, despised by his people. That's what happens to heroes, Dream.

Blue: But he saved everyone!

Nightmare: The Greeks knew the story. But if you want to be a hero, Dream, that's fine. That's fine...

Ink: Nightmare, don't do this.

Nightmare: You want to be a hero, Dream? You want to be a hero? Then DIE LIKE ONE!!


Nightmare, over a walkie talkie: Horror, what's your position?
Horror: Uh... standing?


Ink: Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!
Killer: Pfft, no, no, no. Jokes are supposed to be funny! I made you look... sad and pathetic! Like an orphan. With no arms. Or legs... with progeria! Great, now I am sad thinking about it.
Blue: *Face palming*
Ink: *On the verge of popping a nonexistent blood vessel*
Killer: Hey, does this thing have any booze?


Ccino: I wanna just like... cuddle with Nightmare. Like, fully naked.
Error: What the fuck, Ccino?
Ccino: Did I stutter, stupid bitch?

(290 words.)

Multifandom Madness by Trash PandaWhere stories live. Discover now