QSMP Short Chapters

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What Happens in Purgatory Stays in Purgatory
Tw: Cannabalism, starvation, murder, and potentially poor Spanish (I am so sorry).


  Energy waning fast, Cellbit trailed behind his group as their manic screams of excitement echoed through the mountains. A chainsaw buzzed to life and the screams grew louder. Laughter, screams of pain, and cheers hit Cellbit even as he fell behind.

  "Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him!" Screamed Foolish, his voice getting higher and more manic with each repeat of that phrase.

  "Wooooooo!" Cheered Jaiden.

  "Burn, burn, burn, you mother-" Baghera shouted, but her voice was drowned out by a shriek of pain and an explosion.

  Cellbit was dizzy, and running grew harder and harder as he nearly slipped on gravel. When you ran too much, your gas mask's lenses would fog up, and so Cellbit was not only dizzy but practically blind. He stopped running, hands on his knees as he struggled for breath. Was that why he was so dizzy?

  When he looked up in the direction of his group, his world spun sickeningly. He dropped to the dirt below and stared in the direction of his team. Cellbit was hungry. He was so hungry that it felt like it was eating away at him. His legs hurt from running, his skin burned from the sun, and yet the breeze was so cold that it stung.

  "Cellbo, ¿estás bien? (Cellbo, are you ok?)" Carre asked as he came back to where Cellbit was.

  "Estoy bien. Lo siento. (I am ok. I am sorry)" Cellbit said, waving off his friend's concern.

  Carre didn't seem to trust that. He headed slowly towards where the group disappeared behind large rocks and then circled back as if he wasn't sure leaving Cellbit was a good idea. Eventually, he sat on a rock near Cellbit with his arms folded on his knees.

  "¿Estás herido en cualquier lugar? (Are you hurt anywhere?)"

  "No. No te preocupes por mí. (No. Do not worry about me)"

  It went quiet, Carre's eyes fixed in the direction of their team. Cellbit collected himself for a minute until he stopped feeling dizzy. Then, he pushed himself up and put a hand on his stomach. He was so hungry that it felt like physical pain.

  The two walked quietly to their team, celebrating a fresh kill. Quackity lay dead on the ground, chainsaw wounds and burns all over his body. Cellbit felt no pity. It's clear that Quackity was a rat or a traitor of some kind, plus he was caught and killed because Baghera spotted him burning their only food source. It wasn't even a food source yet! It had been thin wisps of wheat Phil had just managed to coax into growing in the coarse dirt with very little water. It had been their only hope to eat something other than the last scrap of pork they'd found spoiled earlier this morning.

  "Wooooo! Take that you trash heap!" Foolish cheered.

  "Dude, I am so tempted to teabag his body," Charlie said, only half joking.

  Cellbit sat down on a rock, smiling a bit. Having a win every now and then felt good. Philza started looting the body, only getting a handful of seeds and two torches. With a huff of annoyance, Philza tucked the seeds into his pocket.

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