I am so cold (Angst)

34 1 17

{Fandom: Editor Wilbur ARG}
(Ships: None)

Implied child neglect, implied suicide, bad parenting, homophobia, mental health stuff, Wilbur needs a hug, paranoia, OCD and DID depictions I tried to make as realistic as possible

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

New Editor Application [IMPORTANT]

Hello Mr. Massey Welsh SucksAtLife

My name is Wilbur Soot, I edit the 870k subs channel SootHouse.
In your last video, you stated that you required a new editor and that there would be an application in the description of your video (despite Kai trying to sabotage this with his text on the screen saying you were only joking WHAT A SILLY GOOSE!).
Anyway, I couldn't find your application so I assume this was a test to see who was worth enough to pursue your application process without an official recognized form.

Now, I know what you are thinking, Mr. Massey Welsh SucksAtLife, Kai has some properties that are irreplaceable, right? You're wrong, you idiot.
I have all of them and better:

1, The ability to keyframe
I can do this and I can do it better. I invented keyframing.

2, Swirly face
SWIRLY FACE? Easy money. I can do you one more and give you VORTEX FACE.

3, He can play guitar
So can I, it's easy. There's only like 6 strings and I invented two of them.

4, He's got the looks
See attached image

The only thing Kai has up on me is that he plays Minecraft. I haven't touched that shit since 2012 but hey-ho it's all content at the end of the day.

Hope to hear from you soon
Glowing regards:
Mr. Soot

  And before Wilbur could overthink more, he clicked send. Immediately he regretted it. Was he too aggressive? Was he not serious enough? He thought joking about inventing the E and A strings on the guitar was funny, but now that he was rereading it, it sounded unhinged.

  Wilbur bit his nail, rocking back and forth. Fuck, he should delete it, he needed to delete it. But he needed Kai GONE removed! He had to go, he just couldn't stay!

  'Maybe I can delete it and rewrite my message?' Wilbur thought. But what could he say instead?

  Getting up from his desk, he stepped over a pile of clothes and went to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he saw there was nothing in there other than... is that a bag of flour? Wilbur sighed and closed the fridge.

  Weird things just kind of happened around him. Sometimes he'd wake up in places he knew he didn't fall asleep in, he'd wake up to his room cleaned but didn't remember doing it. It wasn't like Wilbur's room was too dirty, just easy meal packaging and clothes, but it was still very strange. He didn't own much TO get dirty. Some clothes, a mattress, his guitar, a phone and laptop, a single pillow and blanket, a toothbrush, and apparently a bag of flour.

  Since when did he even get a bag of flour? For what reason? And why is it in the fridge?

  Instead of focusing on all that, he looked around for any cups. He had nothing. No bowls, no plates, no silverware, and no cups. Don't get him started on the lack of cooking utensils.

  And so, lacking all other options, he drank straight from the faucet. He was so thirsty, yet the water was so frigid that he had to pause drinking for a moment. Then, he wiped his mouth off and shivered. God, it was so cold.

  Now that he wasn't thirsty, he headed back to his small bedroom. Wilbur sat down in his chair to see if he got a response from Jack, but was caught off guard by the sound of a police siren. Looking out the window, he held his breath as he waited for them to pass by.

Multifandom Madness by Trash PandaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora