The Fall (Angst)

73 1 10

{Fandom: Dream SMP}
(No Ships)

Severe injury, suicidal themes, and guilt

Angst Scale:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Third Person POV

It was like one endless second trailed the finale. One second, his feet were firmly on the floor, and the next he was over the edge. Quackity had experienced death before, but never like this.

He'd been exploded and his face had been sliced by a psychopath, but he never expected his final life to be taken by a friend. Two lives were down the drain, and in less then a fraction of a second, his third and final life would be gone too. Quackity had heard tales of when you lose your last life that time slows down. How charming. At least he got to take in the sky before his life ended.

The sky was beautiful. Shades of pink, blue, and yellow as the sun rose. Aim for the sky's, that's what they always said, right? Yeah, he'd tried. And now his last hope was gone.

In an instant, time snapped back into full speed again and he felt his body hit the pavement. His back hit first and then his head whipped back and slammed against the dark stone with all the weight of his body and the oppressive hands of gravity. Pain of unimaginable proportions seared through his body as he heard a sickening crack.

What exactly broke was beyond his comprehension as his head went limp to the side. His eyes felt heavy, the pain faded out into a dull buzz. Maybe this was for the best. Slime was right after all. He was nothing more then a manipulative prick. He did use Slime, and even if he eventually saw more to Slime then a tool for his own gain, it didn't change his original intentions.

This was for the best.

Not resisting any longer, he let his eyelids fall slack. He wished Slime the best of luck in his new life away from this manipulation. Maybe he could make someone else's life a bit better too. Unconsciousness claimed him quickly as Quackity surrendered to its hold.


Pain was the first thing he felt. Groaning quietly, he opened his eyes. Where the hell was he? Did he die? Quackity wasn't sure.

Would he feel pain if he was dead? That wasn't too clear. None of the ghosts he spoke to said anything about pain. Or at least, not that he could think of. His head spun and he felt like he'd throw up. Desperately, he held it down. He didn't think he could move at all and puking now would be horrible.

And then he hears a door open. Looking over, he saw it was Foolish G. The other pauses for a second, almost shocked to see him awake. And then, the god walks up to him.

"You woke up fast. Sorry, I was out trying to get this potion ready for you." Foolish said. Quackity looks at the potion in his hand.

It was a swirling red color, none of the dark red swirls found in a potion of harming. He was still suspicious though. Quackity was completely at the god's will. Suddenly, it hit him. He must be in one of Foolish's building projects.

"This may hurt a bit, so sorry in advance." Foolish said. He gets down next to Quackity, gently helping him sit up. But despite the fact he was being gentle and slow, the pain was still excruciating. He let out a gasp of pain, squeezing his eyes closed. "Sorry, but you're almost there!"

Quackity took a moment to pant after he was sitting fully up. How many bones did he break? It felt like his whole skeletal structure had been torn out and stomped on by an elephant.

After Quackity was ready, Foolish lifted the bottle to his mouth and helped him drink it. Quackity could feel the slight warmth from this liquid slide down his throat and rush to the painful areas. Broken bones and torn muscles were being sewn and mended back together.

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