Chapter 4

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~ 5 Months Later ~

"Stevie, are you okay?" Nathan asks as I smile and nod.
"Yeah, why?" I ask as he shrugs.
"You just seem to have put on a lot of weight in the past couple months." He points out as I roll my eyes.
"Yeah. I noticed. Since I lost my job, I haven't been as active as before. I'm sure I'll be fine." I say as Nathan nods and kisses my head.
"Okay. I still love you, no matter what shirt size you are." He says, making me laugh as I kiss him softly.
"I love you more." I say before going into the kitchen and flicking the kettle on.

I look down at my stomach and sigh. Nathan's right. I've put on a little bit of weight and I'm not sure why. It's weird because it seems like it's just come on overnight.

"Nath?" I question as he hums in response, "Do you think I should see a doctor about my weight? Like, I know ulcers can make you put on weight." I say as Nathan shrugs.
"Maybe. Give them a call tomorrow or something. See if they can give you an appointment." Nathan says as I nod and go to make us some tea.

Once I'd finished, I brought the drinks into the living room and sat beside Nathan again.

"Do you have an idea of what's wrong?" I ask as he shrugs.
"You're not pregnant so, that's ruled out." He says as I sigh.
"I know that." I mumble as Nathan looks up at me.
"I'm sorry, Stevie. That was really insensitive of me." Nathan says, wrapping his arms round me.
"No, you're right, Nathan. I'm not pregnant. I can't be..." I trail off as Nathan rocks us slowly.


The next day, I rang the doctors, and they gave me an emergency appointment because if I have ulcers, it's an actual emergency.

They had given me urine and blood tests before handing me the results in a letter and it definitely wasn't stomach ulcers.

"So? What is it?" Nathan asks as I sit beside him on the sofa.

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