Chapter 8

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The next morning, I wake up to find Nathan still asleep beside me, which was weird since he was normally up before me. I checked the time to see that it was 5am and I knew exactly why I was as I ran into the en suite.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay." I hear Nathan say, rubbing my back softly.

Nathan sits beside me, rubbing my back and holding my hair as the morning sickness hits me once again. I love how I don't get any symptoms until I get told that I was pregnant. Now I know that I'm pregnant, my body wants to punish me for figuring it out.

"You done?" Nathan asks as I nod and sit with my back against the wall.
"I think so." I groan as Nathan wraps his arms round me, holding my head on his chest and running his fingers through my hair.
"It's alright. It's okay. I'm here." Nathan says soothingly as I nuzzle into his chest.
"Thank you for sitting with me. I'm not a pretty sight right now." I say as Nathan looks down at me.
"Shut up. You're beautiful, even if you were cursed to look like a slug, you'll still be beautiful to me." Nathan says, kissing the top of my head as I blush and hide my face.
"Don't do that to me." I mumble as Nathan chuckles and kisses the top of my head again.

Once I'd brushed my teeth, I climbed back into bed beside Nathan as he pulled me towards him, spooning me and resting his hand on my bump, rubbing it softly. He kisses my neck softly a few times before nuzzling his face into the back of my neck, kissing it a few more times.

"Stevie?" I hear Nathan mumble as I hum in response, "I love you." He says as I smile.
"I love you too." I reply, feeling him kiss the back of my neck again.
"Let's get some more sleep, gorgeous." He says as I blush and smile, cuddling into my pillow as Nathan cuddles into me...


When I wake up, Nathan is sat up on his phone as I check the time to see it was 10am. I turn over and watch Nathan as he still doesn't notice that I'm awake.

"It's rude to stare, Stevie." Nathan smirks, moving his eyes to me and then back to his phone.
"What are you doing?" I ask, now sitting up.
"I'm designing our little boys' room." He says, showing me what he'd designed as I smile.
"That's perfect." I say as Nathan grins.
"I know." He replies as I place my hand on my bump.
"What are we calling him?" I ask as Nathan shrugs.
"I chose Aaliyah's name. I thought you could choose peanuts?" Nathan suggests as I nod and think for a moment.
What about Everett James Sykes? Use your middle name. Keep it going." I say as Nathan smiles.
"I love that." He says as I nod.
"So, we have our Aaliyah Haze and our Everett James." I say as Nathan smiles.
"In 4 months, our family will finally be complete." Nathan says as I smile.
"It was already complete when we started with Goldie." I say as Nathan kisses me softly.
"Yeah. It was." He rests his nose on mine as I smile and peck his lips.

Once we decided to get up, Nathan made a start on painting the nursery while I made us some dinner and started cleaning up downstairs, Aaliyah helping me by cleaning the kitchen, while I did the dining room.

She knew what we decided to call her baby brother and she adored it. Ali also helped Nathan decorate the nursery while I carried on having a cleanup downstairs, bearing in mind Jay and Jake McGuiness were coming over later along with David, Karen, Phil and Jess at 4pm. Jade, Paul and their 3 kids, Harriet, Liam and Lucas were coming at 4.30pm. Then at 5pm, Emily, Sam and their 2 kids, George and Matthew were supposed to arrive.

Nathan and I were going to catch up with our families and Jay whereas Ali, was going to hang out with Jake in the games room. Nathan also makes it perfectly clear that the games room door stays wide open, but I've talked him into letting them have it ajar.


Once everyone had arrived, Nathan and I told them about Everett and about how we didn't know until a few days ago. We all had a really good catchup, and it was great to see everyone.

"Stevie, I need to tell you something." David says, "In private." He adds as I excuse us and take him into the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" I ask as he hugs me.
"Just know that I am so so proud of you, Stevie. You've come a long way." David says as I look at him.
"Dad, what's going on?" I ask as he sighs.
"I'm dying, Stevie." He says as my eyes fill with tears.
"No. No! Don't say that!" I yell as Nathan runs in, "Don't you dare say that! How long?!" I yell, letting the tears fall.
"2 weeks..." David trails off as I start to sob.
"Dad, please. Tell me that you're lying." I sob as he hugs me and holds me, "D-Does Em-Emily a-and J-Jade Know?" I ask as David nods.
"Yes..." He sighs before going back into the living room.

I breakdown in the kitchen, dropping to my knees as Nathan comes and wraps me up in his arms. He had already got the gist of what was happening and what David was saying when I asked how long.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here." Nathan says as I cuddle into him.
"I can't lose him, Nath. I can't lose my dad." I sob as Nathan rocks us slowly, shushing me.


Once I'd sorted myself out, I joined everyone back in the living room as we started talking again.

"I'm going to check on Ali and Jake." I say as Nathan nods and goes back to the conversation.

I walk to the games room; the door was still ajar, but the room was silent. I open the door slightly to see Jake lean in and kiss Ali. I smile and leave the room and sit with everyone again.

"How are they?" Nathan asks as I nod.
"Yeah. They're good." I say as everyone's attention turns to me.
"They're kissing, aren't they?" Nathan asks as everyone falls deadly silent.

I nod.

"Yep." I feel Nathan tense up beside me as I place my hand on his shoulder, "Don't make a scene. He makes her happy. Let her be happy." I whisper as he softens a bit and starts up another conversation.

Just let Ali be happy.

That all I want.

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