Chapter 13

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~ 6 months later ~

Everett was now 6 months old and he was starting to sit up on his own. Nathan had recently gone back to work and I was home with our little boy while Aaliyah was at school. I got some housework done while playing with Everett in between tasks.

He was such a quiet, happy baby. Nathan and I hadn't had many sleepless nights because Everett never woke up. Once we'd gotten him into a routine, he didn't come out of it.

"Hey!" I hear Ali exclaim before walking into the front rom and picking up Everett, giving him a cuddle, "How's my favourite brother?" She says as Everett clings onto her.
"He's your only brother." I say, going to make him a bottle, Ali following me, still holding him.
"He's still my favourite." She mumbles as I put the bottle on the side and smile.
"Feed him for me?" I ask as she nods, takes the bottle and goes to sit on the sofa with Everett.

While Ali fed Everett, I got the laundry out of the washing machine and put it into the tumble dryer before starting to make some food.

"What time is dad home?" Ali asks as I shrug.
"Not sure." I reply as she sets the empty bottle on the side, continuing to burp Everett.
"You normally know?" She asks as I shrug.
"Yeah, normally. He hasn't said anything today." I reply as she nods and goes back into the living room with her baby brother.

I keep preparing food before Ali tells me that Everett is asleep. I ask her to put him in his cot before telling her what time dinner will be done.


It was 9pm when Nathan got home, which was weird since he never worked as late as this.

"You're home late." I say as Nathan sits beside me.
"I know. I'm sorry." He says, kissing the side of my head as I lean into him, "I had to catchup with some paperwork that I hadn't finished before Everett was born." He says as I nod and carry on watching TV.
"Okay." I say as he turns to me.
"You do believe me, don't you?" He asks as I shrug.
"I don't know, Nathan." I say as he sighs, "You never come home late and even if you have paperwork to catch up on, it never keeps you this late." I say as he stands up and walks away from me.
"I'm not arguing with you, Stevie. This is ridiculous." He says, turning to me, "What do you think I was doing, then?" He asks, knowing exactly what I thought he was doing.
"You know what I was thinking" I trail off as Nathan sighs.
"I would never do that t you or our family, Stevie! I've never done it before so why do you think I'd do it now?" He exclaims as I bring my knees up to my chest, "You don't fucking trust me, do you?" He asks as I shake my head.

Nathan groans in annoyance before grabbing his car keys and waling out the door.

I don't run after him and I don't stop him from leaving. I couldn't leave the kids here on their own and I didn't feel like moving. I just wanted to stay in the same spot for a while, letting him calm down. He didn't need me running after him right now. He just needed to calm down because I'm a stupid bitch and I've made him mad.

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