Chapter 14

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A couple hours after Nathan left, he comes back in and drops his keys on the dining room table. He doesn't speak to me or even look at me. He just drops his keys and walks upstairs.

I was still sat in the same spot I was in when he left and hadn't moved. I do trust him so I don't know why I said I didn't when I do. I trust him with everything I have. He's all I ever wanted and needed so why did I accuse him of cheating on me? Why am I so stupid?

"Nathan?" I ask, knocking on the bedroom door, opening it slightly to see him scrolling through his phone, "Nath?" I question as he doesn't even glance my way.

He doesn't answer, he just keeps scrolling, as if I wasn't there. I sigh and shut the bedroom door before sitting down just outside of it on the landing.

I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on them, letting the silent tears fall from my eyes. I didn't mean to hurt him this much. I didn't mean to be such a bitch.

I sigh again and try to control my breathing, trying to keep my tears silent.

"Mum?" I hear Aaliyah's voice as I look up at her, "Did you and dad fight? I heard shouting earlier and then the front door closed." She says as I nod.
"Yeah. We had a little fight. You're dad just came back." I say as she sits beside me.
"Then why aren't you in there trying to work things out?" She asks as I smile and shrug.
"He won't talk to me. I hurt him really bad." I say as Aaliyah looks at me confused..
"Mum. Dad loves you so much. I can see it when he looks at you. When you make him smile. When he's hugging you. It's pure love. I know that I don't know what love is or what love feels like but dad does and everything he does is for you. Everything is for you and his family..." Ali trails off, "Whether you hurt him really bad or not, he is never going to stop loving you. You're his forever." Aaliyah says as I smile and wrap my arms around her.
"Thanks, Ali." I whisper as she smiles.
"If you weren't his forever, he would've left the first chance he got but, he didn't. Don't waste your time sitting here. Even if he doesn't speak, he'll listen.Go and talk to him." Ali says before kissing myy cheek and going back to her room as I stand up and brush myself down.

I take in a deep breath before entering the bedroom, seeing Nathan had stopped scrolling and was just staring at his blank phone screen.

"Nathan..." I trail off as he turns to face me.

He still doesn't say anything as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Nath, I..." I trail off, unable to find the words, "I do trust you. I just..." I trail off again.

Nathan stays silent as I sigh. Nathan moves and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear, turning my face to look at him. He leans in slowly and presses his lips against mine in a soft and gentle kiss.

His hand rests on my cheek while his other hand holds him up. He pulls me down to hover above him, not breaking the kiss once as I straddle him.

I pull away after a moment, looking into his eyes as he looks into mine.

"I heard what Ali said to you. I heard the whole conversation. You don't have to say anything. Just lay with me and let me hold you." Nathan finally says as I nod and lay with him, letting him wrap his arms around me.

I love you, Nathan.

With all my heart.

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