The Son of Neptune

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"Nico" Percy said happily.

Nico looked at Percy confused, "Who are you?"

"Dii perduint eam" Percy cursed loudly.

Nico looked at Percy confused but the other two demigods looked at Percy with raised eyebrows.

"Umm.... Are you a demigod?" A pudgy Asian kid asked.

Percy looked at the kid for a second before his eyes shifted to the girl with him.

Percy's eyes widened, "Hazel?"

Hazel looked at Percy confused, "Umm.... Yes. But I don't think I know you."

Percy stared at her for a minute before he face palmed. Percy shook his head and then snapped his fingers. His appearance changed into the one of Blake.

"Blake?" Hazel asked.

Percy shook his head, "Actually my name is really Percy, but yes it is me."

Hazel's eyes widened but she rushed forward and hugged Percy tightly, "Where have you been?"

The Asian kid glared at Percy but was ignored as Percy hugged back one of the few people he allowed himself to get close with during his short time at Camp Jupiter. When Percy released her, he changed himself back into his normal appearance.

Hazel looked at him expectantly.

"So, Blake... Or Percy, how is it that you look so different now and why did you leave camp anyway?" Hazel asked confused.

Percy sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, "This is going to take a long time to explain so we I will do it on our way to Alaska."

Hazel nodded smiling before her smile vanished, "Well that would be nice Bl... I mean Percy, but we are kind of prisoners at the moment."

Percy grinned, "Not anymore. My friend Hylla here has agreed to release you three into my custody."

The three demigod's eyes widened and they looked at Hylla who was smirking, "Consider yourselves very lucky. The only person who could get me to agree happened to be the one to show up. It would not do well for me to refuse a request from the son of Juno."

Hazel looked at Percy confused, "I thought she was just your patron?"

Percy shook his head, "She was when I met you but things changed. It's a long story, I will explain later but we need to get moving. Thanatos is needed as soon as possible."

The pudgy Asian kid stepped forward, "How do we know we can trust you?" He asked suspiciously.

Percy rolled his eyes and rolled up his sleeve showing his SPQR tattoo.

The kid's eyes widened, "First Cohort?"

Percy shrugged, "Reyna vouched for me. She's a good friend. Actually that reminds me." Percy said as he turned back to Hylla.

He walked up to her and handed her two imperial gold hunting knives. Hylla looked at him confused but Percy put up his hand before she could speak.

"They are for your journey to Camp Jupiter. Lycaon and his pack are roaming the area. These will help if you run into him." Percy explained as he took the knives back.

Percy twirled them in his hand and they shimmered into silver hunting knives.

"Just spin them and they become silver. They were a gift from my mother so I feel they would do well in the hands of the Queen of the Amazons." Percy explained.

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