Chapter 33

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(Faith pov)

Ariana's apartment📍

I walked in with my baby, this was going to the place I called home. Anywhere with her was home with me. With all the moving we both decided not to throw a new years party.

Ariana: "Welcome home baby." She kisses & hugs me.

Faith: "Ya home." I smile weakly.

Ariana: "I gotta show you the room, I made space for all your things." She is really excited.

Faith: "I'm a little tired." I Yawn.

Ariana: "You're still going to the bedroom, you can sleep after I show you." She was right.

She hurried me to the bedroom & there were my boxes of all the things we packed.

The last time I was here it was slightly more full of her things she really made room for the things I had which wasn't a lot.

Faith: "You know I don't have that much stuff right."

Ariana: "I know but it doesn't mean we won't get you more." She smiles.

I take a look around & then sit myself on the bed & she does the same leaning against me.

Ariana: "I say this a lot but I'm glad I fell in love with you dork."

Faith: "You're the dorky one." I giggle.

Ariana: "I know I'm not." She smiles, closing her eyes.

~4 hours later~

I wake up still exhausted, rubbing my eyes looking around tired. I expected to see Ari by side but she wasn't. I grab my glasses & walk down but nothing. I head to her studio room & find her there.

Ari was opening up boxes to my marvel figures & everything I had on & near my Pc. Still pretty tired I went up to & wrapped my arms around resting my head on her back.

Ariana: "I was being careful I promise."

Faith: "It's okay." I close my eyes.

Ariana: "Aww someone's still tired."

Faith: "Mmmhm..a little bit." I say tired.

She smiles & holds my hands, everything was right in the world. With Ariana all my problems disappeared.

Faith's thoughts: "I don't want this moment to end."

Ariana: "As much as I'd love to cuddle, we still have a lot of unpacking to do."

Faith: "We can do that later."

Ariana: "Then we won't have time to cuddle." She giggles.

Faith: "I just woke up."

Ariana: "I'm going to beat your ass if you don't help." She giggles even more.

Faith: "I'd like to see you try." I tighten my grip.

Ariana: "You always do this, it's not fair."

I played around with her still tired, but playing around her helped wake my butt up.

Ariana: "Babe!!! Let me go stop, I need to unpack your shit!!" She laughs.

I stop & give her kisses & sit down, pick out & look at all my things.

Faith's thoughts: "I'm really doing this huh." I smile weakly.

I always doubted things, it was great I was moving in with her. Everything's amazing, it's great, this is what I always wanted. Yet I feel something is going to come a long way & ruin it.

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