Chapter 62

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(Faith pov)

Private jet📍

Faith's thoughts: "I get that she's being overprotective now more than ever but this is ridiculous." I sigh.

My mental health hasn't been all sunshine and happiness. Since the car incident and visiting my family it's been a wreck, at times I'm fine then in an instant it all caves back down on me like  in Huston.

Fredo: "Hey Ariana!! There's something we got to show you!!"

I take out an earbud and look up from my phone and hear Fredo calling her.

Ariana: "Alright!!! I'm coming." She gets up and goes over to me. "You want to join?" I shake my head no. "I won't take too long I promise."

Faith: "We're in a jet Moonlight. I'm not going to go anywhere like where, am I supposed to go on a plane."

Ariana: "Okay I get the point." She giggled. "Are you doing better?"

Faith: "Ya at the moment I am."

Ariana: "Want to talk about it?"

Faith: "Later."

Ariana: "Okay I'll be right back, so don't fall asleep on me."

Faith: "Okay Princes!!"

She cracks a smile rolling her eyes and heads down the plane where her friends are at. I don't want to be the reason to keep her away from all of this. This tour means so much for her, I can tell it's healing her from all that has happened to her. I'm the reason holding her back and I can see it when she looks at me.

Faith's thoughts: "Don't think about it or you'll make it worse." I put back my earbud. "Time to distract myself again."

For the next couple of hours I spent listening to music, writing music on my phone, reading, and whatever I could to keep my mind busy. Ari, she came in from time to time to check on me.

Ariana has been more protective than she's ever been, it's better for me to leave the tour altogether that's what I think. I haven't told her not yet, and for the past couple concerts, not once has she let me leave her sight.

Ariana: "Hey I brought you something to eat, I thought you'd be hungry." I couldn't hear her walk in. "Fae?"

I'm too busy stuck in my own world to realize that she was in the room. She walks up and takes out my earbud and I look over.

Ariana: "You okay? You didn't even hear me call out your name?"

Faith: "Sorry I had the music too loud."

Ariana: "Well I brought you something to eat." She smiles.

Faith: "Thanks but I'm not hungry."

Ariana: "Fae don't lie I know you haven't eaten anything all day besides a granola bar."

Faith: "I just don't feel like eating right now, I'll eat later I promise, thanks for worrying though." I shyly smile.

Ariana: "You have to eat something, how else are you supposed to get better, you get better then you magically hurt yourself again…I'm your girlfriend I'm supposed to worry about you and I'm not going to leave not until you finish this plate of food."

Faith: "I'm not hungry…I…"

Ariana: "Don't start with I'm hungry you're going to eat this plate got it."

We went back and forth, I caved in and ate the food. The last thing I wanted was to start an argument with her right now.

Ariana: "Thank you." She smiles.

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